Wednesday, May 17, 2023

There will be no where to hide from what is coming!


RE: The complete corruption and undermining of our democracy and national autonomy in Canada. Moreover, the ideological source of our ruin is not properly called "WOKE", it is correctly named Cultural Marxist Critical Theory!

And its essential premise is based upon a lie, and not even a carefully crafted one. The elite rely on the fact they have made us fearful, demoralized, and dumbed down to the point where we have become incapable of doing anything to counter their tyrannical control. And why have we become incapable? Because we have believed what we have been told by those we entrusted to both educate and govern us who have betrayed our trust! They have portrayed what is arguably the freest and least racist nation on earth as a patriarchal tyranny even as they seek to erase our past and vilify our national heroes. If Canada was actually a patriarchal tyranny, why then have we been a haven for those fleeing economic depravity, political corruption and unrest from every far-flung region of the globe? The mischaracterisation of our past is obviously intentional on their part since it is the reason that Justin Trudeau has been able to successfully lead Canada down a path not unlike what Mao did in China during the Cultural Revolution.

But how have we become so susceptible to this radical ideology? Cultural Marxist Critical Theory is being taught in every university in Canada at the tax payers' expense where it has been a key part of curriculum for decades, particularly in the humanities. If you do not believe me simply open a search engine, type the name of any university which comes to mind, and search its curriculum for Critical Theory. Canadians need to understand that Trudeau is the perfect reflection of this toxic mindset. Even if we were to rid the nation of Trudeau our challenge lies in how to counter the ideological possession that has possessed him which now possesses the broader population. And that will not be so easily accomplished unless we are able to precisely understand the nature of the ideology which is driving so many of our fellow Canadians to want to destroy our energy and manufacturing-based economy while undermining our culture and the institutions upon which our parliamentary democracy relies! Note that Trudeau himself asserted that Canada has no core identity. If we have no shared national identity, it is then no small wonder why he has stated that Canada is the first post-national state! Of course, this is nonsense but when has nonsense stopped Trudeau from stating patent falsehoods when no reasoned argument would serve his radical purposes? If Justin Trudeau has a legacy, it will be as the great deconstructor. He has managed to tear apart our cultural foundations and replace them with pipedreams which is why his government just issued passports that resemble an Ikea colouring book where all symbols of our shared heritage have been adulterated and replaced with nonsense.

I will read a short excerpt from Mikkel Clair Nissen’s brilliant description of the toxic mindset behind Critical Theory from his seminal work entitled “Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed” since I could not possibly define the terrible debilitating affects of this ideological possession better than Mikkel.

“Democracy in itself cannot radicalize collectivism. Therefore, socialism within the context of a democratic system is very different from traditional socialism. In an attempt to protect, maintain, and secure the continuance of what has now ended up in absolute collectivist greed, the Marxists have put into use awful methods of suppressive psychological undermining. Now we find they use orchestrated, designed, and calculated psychological coercion—subliminal conditioning that utilizes the weapon of guilt and enticement. Coercion is accomplished by means that are identical to the methods commonly known as Machiavellian egocentricity, which is described in psychology as the illusive ability to manipulate, subdue, and control others in order to achieve personal ends and desires. This results in weakening the general society, and even worse, further weakening society’s emotionally weakest citizens—the codependent collectivists. Conversely, this emotional weakness empowers the radical collectivist part of society even further. The more deprived the collectivist is—and thereby the more manipulative and malignant—the stronger the collectivist. Note: The political spectrum, known as right and left, is in actuality being purposely manipulated. The fact is that the essence of freedom lies in the proper limitation of government. Indisputably, throughout history no source has proven itself more deadly and destructive than the authority invested in government. While this is general knowledge to those who enthusiastically advocate freedoms, most, unfortunately, are uninformed. Accordingly, this creates the perfect environment for deception. Indeed, an accurate political spectrum from right to left would undeniably begin with “freedom” (e.g., non-intrusive government, self-sovereignty, and self-determination), defined by “little or no government control.” Thus, the political spectrum would end up on the left with “totalitarianism” (e.g., authoritarian dictatorial government, subjugation, and tyranny), defined by “unlimited government control.” In accordance, a correct paradigm would begin with ideals of “anarchy,” endorsing “no government.” Next would come the ideals of “libertarianism,” also known as “classical-liberalism,” endorsing “limited government.” Thereafter, would come “modernliberalism,” also known as “social-liberalism,” endorsing “greater government.” Ultimately, the spectrum would end with the ideals of “fascism,” “socialism,” and “communism,” endorsing “totalitarian government.” Conversely, perfect deception is achieved through manipulating this spectrum by placing those who are in favor of egalitarianism (the notion of social equality), also known as Marxism (e.g., communists and socialists), on the left wing. This would place those who are not in favor of social equality on the right wing, which is more than half of the political spectrum, including fascists who are in favor of complete government control. Although the fact is that communism, socialism, and fascism promote the same set of radical collectivist ideals of “totalitarianism”—dictatorial intrusive government. However, by affiliating genuine right-wingers—individuals in favor of minimum government control— with totalitarian fascist regimes (e.g., Hitler’s “Nazism”), the perfect diversion is created. Hence, relying on ignorance, the left and right paradigm is in fact a wellknown method of deception, known as “divide and conquer,” with one sole purpose: to create confusion and so achieve emotional and intellectual control. This technique consequently sets up the populace against one another, while allowing those who want to remain in authority to promote and achieve their exact agenda, “totalitarianism”—total government control.”

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