Saturday, May 20, 2023

The hilarity of human contradictions: man plans while God laughs


The radical left is driven by pathological narcissism, envy, and laziness. That is a given. But what bothers me most is that this mindset has taken over a significant percentage of the population. We have become lax and unthinking. How did this happen for this languor of mind and body was certainly not indicative of the Canada of my youth?  So, what is the cause of the wilful blindness of so many of my fellow Canadians?

It took 30 years to begin to retire the debt P.E. Trudeau's disastrous government created and it will take ten times that to retire the debt created by his son's malignant anti-energy policies and the cost of maintaining a metastasizing bureaucracy used to enforce his government's illiberal authoritarian control over us. Canadians appear to be utterly determined never to learn from history, dedicated to remaining completely indifferent to the necessity of fiduciary accountability, turn a blind eye to sound economic policies, and choose to remain utterly ignorant of how a constitutional democracy under parliamentary oversight must operate. Obviously, there can be no political solution to that moral, philosophical, and spiritual crisis created by dumbed down generation of voters who refuse to recognize that the political class caused this dilemma and therefore cannot possibly solve the very issues that they deliberately created!

The source of the mental pathogen:

"All bad ideas are French. It is an absolute principle of human existence." - Dr. David Starkey

England did not know feudalism until the Norman invasion of 1066. Until that time, its nobility and kings had governed by consent of Witan which was the Anglo-Saxon version of parliament. A thousand years ago in one fell swoop the French Normans gutted responsible government in England to create a murderous tyranny. Today our parliamentary democracy has been utterly corrupted by an oligarchical element from the Laurentian region of Canada and so, the wheel has come full circle which only proves Dr. Starkey's assertion! This is why I so often mention the Laurentian Elite who have held the nation in a vice grip of faux enlightened tyranny for decades.

From an article written by John Weissenberger in the National Post published Dec 05, 2019 entitled: 

“Meet the Laurentian Elite, the mediocre masters of Canada

Our self-declared social and political elite is like the air we breathe or the proverbial water around fish; it seems so natural as to be unnoticeable

“Journalist and author John Ibbitson coined the term in a seminal 2011 article, later expanded into a book, The Big Shift. He defined the “Laurentians” as “the political, academic, cultural, media and business elites” of central Canada. Ibbitson and co-author Darrell Bricker argued that the 2011 federal Conservative majority, achieved via the alignment of Western Canada and ex-urban Ontario, represented a major rearrangement of our electoral landscape. Subsequent events, however, suggest that, if a shift is happening, it may be long and painful.

Ibbitson cites and credits the historical accomplishments of central Canada’s elites, from the National Policy and the St. Lawrence Seaway to what he terms the “national social security system.” He is unduly kind.

Beginning in 1968, coincident with the election of Pierre Trudeau, our elites adopted contemporary left-leaning economic and social policies. Federal government spending mushroomed from 16 per cent of the economy in 1967 to 25 per cent (of a much larger pie) in 1984 when Trudeau Sr. departed — a vast increase in dollar terms. Simultaneously, the Canadian public sector became almost 50 per cent of the economy, with the programs implemented and institutions created almost too numerous to mention. This is the point: a robust civil society and private-sector economy were being supplanted by an expanding state.

The reckoning came in the 1990s. Canada’s debt to GDP ratio approached 72 per cent and, in 1995, the Wall Street Journal called us “an honorary Third-World country.” After two credit rating downgrades, and prodded by the decidedly non-Laurentian Reform party, the Liberals acted. Laurentian patriarchs Paul Martin and Jean Chrétien are credited with righting Canada’s finances, but who cast us into the pit in the first place?

For decades, the Laurentian Elite grappled with an existential crisis: Quebec separatism. Confederation was, in their view, a compact between “two founding peoples” that would be blown apart if Quebec left. Shockingly, Laurentian Canada’s brokerage parties had no visceral understanding of the true-believing separatists, who viewed each federalist concession as incremental independence. So we had our near-death experience in 1995, allegedly saved only by “money and the ethnic vote,” to quote PQ leader Jacques Parizeau.

Overconfident federalist leaders — Laurentians all — fairly sleepwalked through the campaign, until they realized at the 11th hour that Quebeckers might actually vote to leave. A shaken Chrétien gave a pleading address five days before the vote and, interviewed years later, senior Liberal cabinet ministers still resembled deer in the headlights in contemplating the “unthinkable.” Of course Parizeau’s people had a detailed implementation plan ready to launch upon a favourable result.

Using the twin yardsticks of fiscal management and national unity, the Laurentian Elite’s tenure over the past 50 years has ranged from poor to passable. As the Laurentians presided, their worldview — Ibbitson’s “Laurentian Consensus” — ruled. Lack of competition from a rival elite or elites (excepting of course the separatists, and we saw how that turned out) increased their torpor and complacency. This, coupled with an increasingly arrogant detachment from many ordinary Canadians, particularly those outside central Canada, caused repeated social and political rifts.

Historically, the Laurentian Elite were Upper Canadian Anglo-Protestants and Québécois Patricians, and their descendants still dominate the upper strata of politics, the bureaucracy, Crown corporations and agencies, academia and media. Private-sector membership tends toward legacy industries (particularly banking/finance and manufacturing), often dominated by multi-generational families. The media, particularly the CBC, project the “consensus” across the country. As Diane Francis has observed, the elite’s members have remarkable mobility among the upper levels of Canada’s government, business and the bureaucracy.

Today’s Laurentian Elite is also arguably our franchise of the mobile, transnational professional class — the “Anywheres” as discussed in Stephen Harper’s 2018 book, Right Here, Right Now. They are, according to Harper, urban and university-educated professionals who “have become genuinely globally-oriented in their careers and personal lives.”

As “Anywheres,” the Laurentians largely reflect the universal, broadly-leftist monoculture. Their personal ethos is typically secular and socially “progressive.” Today this includes much of the post-modern canon: intersectionality, quantifying “privilege” and the seemingly incessant signalling of virtue. Economically they range from socialist to corporatist, businessmen who actively seek advantage from deals with government, while typically promoting the social-progressive agenda.

Adopting globalism may actually have diluted the “Laurentian” nature of the class and boosted their disdain for national character. This may explain Justin Trudeau’s comments in The New York Times: “there is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada”; perhaps a riff on Paul Martin’s “country of minorities” or Yann Martel’s Canada as “the greatest hotel on Earth.”

Further on in the article Weissenberger states, “The West now comprises almost a third of Canada’s population

The Laurentian response to shifting population and money has been restrictive, envious and resentful, with ignorance and neglect replaced by targeted aggression. Under a cloak of green, the federal Liberals have written one generally supportive rulebook for economic development in the East, and a decidedly unfriendly one — including the West-Coast oil tanker ban and Bill C-69, the “no more pipelines” bill — for the West.

The burning question is whether the Laurentian Elite is confusing short-term tactical gain with strategic accomplishment. Is it really to the elite’s fundamental and long-term benefit to beggar the region that supplies the lion’s share of financial lubricant that powers the nation? The past several years show that, despite its electoral success, the Laurentian Elite simply does not possess the “life experience” to manage current regional tensions and basic national affairs.”

Personally, I am with Kierkegård when it comes to recognizing the hilarity of human contradictions. The greatest of which lies ultimately in the powerlessness of the powerful in spite of all their vain boasting of creating some future progressive utopia by means of hubristic social engineering and pipe dreams which are based upon unworkable renewable energy that is no cleaner than the fossil fuels that the elite refuse to mine. Add to this the absolute assurance that we are approaching a singularity where mankind will create a technology that we may well not be able to control which could destroy both God's creation along with the technology's creators. So, our highest genius of creating Artificial Intelligence thus may well become our lowest folly. This is true comedy where God laughs because we dared to tell Him our plans on how we will set about altering the sum and substance of His creation, trifling with the very structure of reality itself, only to be destroyed by the idolatrous nature of our own godless creation. And you my fellow Canadians have abandoned your God given intelligence by refusing to recognize that the elite you have entrusted to govern are incapable of governing!  

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