Wednesday, May 31, 2023

WOKE isn't the correct name for a Cultural Marxist Revolution!


Let us examine what WOKE actually means, and of course I will be blunt and exact in my examination of it. The original premise of Marx and Engels pitted the working-class proletariat against the elite known as the bourgeoisie. The proletariat are people who earn a wage for a living, in other words the majority of us who are employed by others. While the bourgeoisie are those who make their living through property or through ownership of the means of providing services and controlling the production of goods, namely the elite. In our time the wealthiest among them are investment bankers and CEOs of multinational conglomerates who control budgets far larger than many nation states. Today the bourgeoisie must also include the bureaucratic and political class who by means of controlling lobbying grant those who provides services and produce goods special privileges thereby controlling the economic market. This is why we no longer have free markets, if indeed we ever did, since we have regulated economies controlled by Big Government. Controlled markets are grossly inefficient given the impossibility of those in government to determine how individuals will react to the market, since it involves literally billions of unpredictable human beings. Of course, Marxism ignores this fact.

Since this poses an enormous problem to Marxists the facts must be manipulated to justify their constant interference in the market. And there is no better way to manipulate people than through fear, demoralising, and arbitrary control which Marxists invariably label as benefiting the socialist collective. In other words, we must forgo individual liberty, autonomy, and freedom to benefit the majority under the banner of the needs of the many outweighing the rights of the few. But how is this accomplished since people are averse to surrendering freedom they once enjoyed? By creating a cult of victimhood of course since this is the original premise of socialism, namely by pitting the working class against the elite. But why have so many of the workers come to believe that the elite are their salvation? This we shall examine next.

I have often mentioned that by the 1930’s intellectual Marxist professors from Frankfurt Germany had realized Marx and Engels had got it all wrong, that the worker was never going to spontaneously rise to overthrow the elite. So, they reinvented Marxism. In the new “class struggle” workers were replaced by “intersectional oppression” and society itself became the enemy; our very culture was condemned as a white patriarchal tyranny of post-colonial oppression. Fathers were vilified, manhood became toxic, women were told they were being oppressed by their husbands, sexual norms and morality were deemed to be inhibiting, and homosexuality, indeed any conduct that could destroy the nuclear family up to and including paedophilia, was lauded since it would advance the Cultural Marxist Revolution. 

Is there any wonder then why we live in an out-of-control society where weakness and frailty are being lauded and victimhood has become not merely socially acceptable but is literally being taught in our schools? From the universities the mental pathogen of Cultural Marxist Critical Theory has spread into every corner of society consuming even businesses who obviously have now demonstrated that they are willing to forgo profitability while insulting their customers’ sensibilities to promote a radical Cultural Marxist agenda. The very fact that more than one extremely renown and profitable company has ignored their fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders and their accountability to their customers is proof that under the influence of this mind worm nothing will be permitted to stop the cultural revolution from the loons who have taken charge of the Cultural Marxist Asylum we now live in.

But who has become an even greater victim than the intersectionally oppressed under this prevailing Cultural Marxist revolution? Why mother earth of course hence the constant harping on carbon emissions as the despoiler of the planet even though the planet has grown ever greener under the slight increase in carbon emissions to the point where we are now feeding more people that was previously thought possible. Let us remember that CO2 comprises a mere 0.04% of atmospheric gases. Of course, for every proof that capitalism and individual well-being are coefficients of one another the radical Neo-Marxists must try yet again to control what ultimately is beyond even their all-controlling grasp. Malthusian doomsday prophecies and prophetic warnings of disease and plague are merely pages from the Cultural Marxist playbook written by control freaks who assisted those who created both COVID and its failed antiviral antidote. These involve some of the largest pharmaceutical firms on earth who have cooperated with both Western governments and the CCP to play God by creating a previously unheard-of deadly pathogen. These are conclusions which have now become public knowledge.

Now it's up to every one of us who believe in personal autonomy and limited constitutional government to expose Cultural Marxist Critical Theory's ungodly agenda. The left laughs when we call their agenda "WOKE" since Critical Theory is being taught in every university in Canada. As a result, Cultural Marxism has corrupted every Canadian institution including our metastasizing bureaucracy along with the majority of those from our political class. We need to surgically remove these pathological beliefs from Canadian public discourse starting with our children by teaching them the value of taking responsibility for themselves while demanding that Critical Theory be removed from all curricula.

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