Tuesday, October 31, 2023

How the left weaponized anti-racism to create anti-Semitism


The source of our present troubles: How did CRT and other Neo-Marxist ideas permeate our culture?

We need to go back to the Second World War and to William "Wild Bill" Donovan, who was the head of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (or the OSS which was the antecedent to the CIA), who hired several members of the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism to help the United States understand how Nazism operated. Their involvement led to the OSS using what is known as Cultural Marxist Critical Theory in their analysis of Nazi Germany to the advantage of the secret service but much to the detriment of America in the long run. They ensured that the Cultural Marxist tool of dialectical analysis would synthesise new ways of viewing reality. Their goal was not merely to defeat Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan but also to influence academia and politics. This process is known as the long march through the institutions. By the 1960’s students who had been subjected to this ideological thinking had become slaves to the simulacra that the Frankfurt School had helped to create. Simulacra which have been successfully employed to replace reality with dialectical illusions.

Simulacra have long been of interest to philosophers. In his Sophist, Plato speaks of two kinds of image-making. The first is a faithful reproduction, attempted to copy precisely the original. The second is intentionally distorted in order to make the copy appear correct to viewers. He gives the example of Greek statuary, which was crafted larger on the top than on the bottom so that viewers on the ground would see it correctly. If they could view it in scale, they would realize it was malformed. This example from the visual arts serves as a metaphor for the philosophical arts and the tendency of some philosophers to distort the truth so that it appears accurate unless viewed from the proper angle. Nietzsche addresses the concept of simulacrum (but does not use the term) in the Twilight of the Idols, suggesting that most philosophers, by ignoring the reliable input of their senses and resorting to the constructs of language and reason, arrive at a distorted copy of reality. And what has resulted? Identity politics, Anti-Semitism, censorship, and taxing the very air we breathe to stop the weather, crony capitalism, WOKE capitalism, corrupt investment banking policies, the list goes on ad infinitum. Therefore, if you wonder as I do why society has come to believe in delusional ideation, look no further than to Hegel who is always patiently waiting at the beginning of the dialectical path toward totalitarianism to guide the way!

And of course, the Cultural Marxists from the Frankfurt School also sought to wage war on free market capitalism. I just heard noted hedge fund manager Sir Paul Marshall who was speaking at the London conference of the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship assert that the world needs another Teddy Roosevelt to take on the vested interests to rid the business world of cronyism, regulatory capture and WOKE false virtue to make free enterprise once again a pillar of human flourishing. He also stated that the bank crisis of 2008 was the largest transference of wealth from the poor to the rich in human history where the bankers privatised the gains and socialised the losses for their own corruption and planning failures. Again in during COVID with unconstitutional and ineffective lockdowns small businesses were crushed while multinational conglomerates continued unimpeded even as the pharmaceutical industry gained immunity from the consequences for untested gene therapy being unleased on an unsuspecting public with the full cooperation of governments throughout the West.

And what of one of the deadliest versions of Critical Theory known as Critical Race Theory which has been forced into public consciousness in the wake of Hamas’s demonic attack on innocents in Israel? Even the Canadian government has appointed a special envoy to deal with this, from the Canadian government’s own web-site https://www.pm.gc.ca/en/news/news-releases/2023/10/16/prime-minister-announces-new-special-envoy-preserving-holocaust

“In the wake of Hamas’ large-scale terrorist attacks against Israel, the world was again reminded that antisemitism is not a relic of the past – it is a daily reality experienced by Jewish communities here in Canada and around the world. Antisemitism is not a problem for the Jewish community to confront alone. We all have an obligation to continue to speak up against it wherever and whenever it occurs.

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced the appointment of Deborah Lyons as Canada’s new Special Envoy on Preserving Holocaust Remembrance and Combatting Antisemitism. Ms. Lyons will serve for a term of two years.”

Just yesterday I had someone attempt to deny that Critical Race Theory had increased Anti-Semitism on campuses today. Make no mistake, your taxes are being used to fund instruction in hatred in our universities due to this toxic CRT ideology. I, for one, will never rest until this ideological poison is extracted from our institutions of higher learning and see those responsible for it being there charged with disseminating hate.

So back to how CRT came to North America.

William "Wild Bill" Donovan hired the following members of the Frankfurt School who were:

1. Franz Leopold Neumann (23 May 1900 – 2 September 1954) was a German political activist, Western Marxist theorist, and labor lawyer. He became a political scientist in exile and is best known for his theoretical analyses of Nazism. He studied in Germany and the United Kingdom, and spent the last phase of his career in the United States.

Neumann's main field of expertise was law and political science. He earned a doctorate in 1923 with a thesis on method in the theory of punishment. His main aim was to explain the socialist acceptance of liberal individualism in this sphere, in contradiction to Socialist theory.

During the Second World War, Neumann worked for the Office of Strategic Services from 1943 to 1945. He analysis concluded that “Like the Behemoth in Jewish mythology and the writings of Thomas Hobbes, Hitler’s regime was a chaotic, lawless, and amorphous monster. Its policies expressed the sometimes overlapping and sometimes contending drives of the four symbiotic but separate power centers (the Nazi party, the German state bureaucracy, the armed forces, and big business) that composed it. Both the enormous might and the inherent vulnerability of Nazi Germany stemmed, according to Neumann, from its very nature as a conspiracy among these four self-interested groups, each of which sought to expand German power and territory without ceding authority or status to any of the other parties” quote from (Germany, Behemoth: The Structure and Practice of National Socialism)

2. Herbert Marcuse (July 19, 1898 – July 29, 1979) was a German-American philosopher, social critic, and political theorist associated with the Frankfurt School of critical theory. He studied at the Humboldt University of Berlin and then at Freiburg, where he received his PhD.

Marcuse's philosophy was deeply influenced by both Marxism and Freudian theories. He criticized capitalism, modern technology, Soviet Communism, and popular culture, arguing that they represent new forms of social control. His notable ideas include technological rationality, great refusal¹, one-dimensional man, work as free play, repressive tolerance, repressive desublimation, negative thinking, and totalitarian democracy.

In his book "Eros and Civilization" (1955), Marcuse argued for a widened experience of sexuality through the embrace of eros, in general, within polymorphous sensuality, fantasy, and the arts. He was a leading inspiration to the "Flower Children," the theme of "Make Love, Not War," and a great portion of the Rock music and drug culture of the age.

Marcuse's work had a significant influence on the leftist student movements of the 1960s. Some even consider him "the Father of the New Left".

It is crucial to understand Marcuse in order to understand where we are now. The radical students of 1968 are now our professors and politicians.


"Marcuse instructed his acolytes to sell their totalitarianism as tolerance, “partisan tolerance,” which he introduced in an essay he penned in 1965 as a guide for how to shut down debate and silence the critics of Critical Theory.....According to Marcuse, classic tolerance has failed our societies. Why? Well because it tolerates all ideas, even those that are “wrong.” As a result, tolerance as it has been practiced since the word has had any meaning at all is in fact “repressive tolerance,” since it permits the expression of “unjust” views that perpetuate exploitation and oppression. As a result, we must redefine tolerance in such a way that oppression is removed. Meaning that from now on, one need only tolerate that which does not maintain established societal norms of “oppression.” Tolerance, to be “real” tolerance from now on must be “partisan tolerance."

3. Otto Kirchheimer (11 November 1905, Heilbronn – 22 November 1965, Washington, D.C.) was a German jurist of Jewish ancestry and political scientist of the Frankfurt School¹. His work essentially covered the state and its constitution.

During the Weimar Republic, Kirchheimer came to prominence with sensational analyses of the relationship between social structures and constitutions¹. His essay from 1930 "Weimar und was dann? Entstehung und Gegenwart der Weimarer Verfassung" (Weimar and then what? Origin and present of the Weimar Constitution), in which Kirchheimer described the Weimar Constitution as an unsustainable foundation of the state, was widely discussed¹.

Kirchheimer worked as a research analyst at the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of the CIA, starting in World War II and continuing to 1952. He also worked for four years as a researcher in the Institute for Social Research. He began working with Georg Rusche on "Sozialstruktur und Strafvollzug" (Punishment and Social Structure). The Rusche-Kirchheimer version of Punishment and Social Structure was published in 1939 as the first English-language publication of the institute.

As Otto Kirchheimer worked as a research analyst at the forerunner of the CIA, starting during World War II and continuing to 1952. He was responsible for preparing analyses. Together with Franz Neumann, Herbert Marcuse, and others he helped turn the OSS to be the place where the left-Hegelian Weltgeist (World Spirit) found its temporary abode and spread from there into Academia and Politics. This is the origin of the ideas which drive the Besserwissers who share in his ideas to constantly harping on about “global governance”.

My thoughts:

Remarkably the weaponization of Dialectical analysis created by the Jews from the Frankfurt School has become the very tool which is now being used to persecute Jews. After all, the members of the Frankfurt School fled Nazi Germany to escape National Socialism because they were Jews. Nazism was yet another totalitarian ideology that employed Hegelian Dialectics to analyse the structure of reality. And so, I inquired of those from the left who remain friends on social media, “To my socially conscience friends: Have you not read about the horrendous unconscionable Anti-Semitic racists screaming Jew hatred in our universities? How on earth do you think this is possible? University professors teaching CRT are indoctrinating kids at the taxpayers’ expense to hate Jews and view terrorists with rose coloured glasses! Type CRT and any university of your choosing into Google to find out that this hideous ideology is being taught in all of them! Why are you still silent about this???” And you guessed it, not one from the left responded. Apparently, they only care about hate when you dislike or challenge something that they believe, namely, that it is appropriate to hate others who do not think like you. This is why I have very few friends from the left remaining on my social media feeds. These include my dearest and oldest friends and closest family members. Oh, how very loving they are, especially given the fact that I have not stopped caring for them 😉

FIRST READING: How Canada spent millions pushing an ideology used to frame Jews as oppressors

The doctrine of 'anti-racism,' now mandatory across the federal civil service, holds that Jews have "become white" to benefit from white supremacy.

Author of the article:Tristin Hopper

Published Oct 23, 2023    8 minute read


FIRST READING: How Canada spent millions pushing an ideology used to frame Jews as oppressors

The doctrine of 'anti-racism,' now mandatory across the federal civil service, holds that Jews have "become white" to benefit from white supremacy


“Hamas terrorists were still in the process of pulling Israeli civilians from their homes and executing them when McMaster University associate professor Ameil Joseph wrote on X.com that “postcolonial, anticolonial, and decolonial are not just words you heard in your DEI workshop.”

DEI refers to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, an ideology touting anti-racism and decolonization that has come to define massive swaths of Canadian academia in recent years. And Joseph was far from the only Canadian academic to excuse the mass-murder of more than 1,000 people using words from a DEI glossary.

“Decolonization is not just a theory” was a sign held by a woman in a Carleton University jacket attending an Ottawa rally celebrating the Oct. 7 attacks. Mohammad Fadel, a law professor at the University of Toronto, recirculated posts cheering Hamas fighters who crossed “into their colonisers’ territory.”

Black Lives Matter Canada — a group that the federal government has openly endorsed as a source on “racial equity” — issued a statement that made no mention whatsoever of the Oct. 7 violence, saying only that Israel was an apartheid oppressor state engaged in the “torture and murder” of Palestinians.

In just the last five years, the Trudeau government has leaned hard into a project to remake the federal government under the guise of “anti-racism.” Stemming from the U.S.-created discipline of “critical race theory,” anti-racism is wholly different from the principles of tolerance, multiculturalism and equal treatment that used to characterize the federal approach to race. Rather, anti-racism holds that Canada’s structures are so irredeemably racist that — in the words of Ottawa’s own literature on the subject — it can be defeated only with “deliberate systems and supports” favouring marginalized groups.

Canada now has a federal Anti-Racism Secretariat. It spent $45 million on an official “Anti-Racism Strategy” – and showered grants onto an archipelago of “anti-racism initiatives.” What’s more; every soldier, diplomat, judge and civil servant collecting a federal paycheque must now undergo mandatory training to learn how to grapple with their own “unearned privilege” and work for a country that is irredeemably shot through with systemic oppression.

But as Jewish voices have been warning for years, anti-racism has a troubling blind spot when it comes to Jews: They’re either omitted, or framed as colonialist oppressors. As Canada’s strongest bastions of “anti-racism” thought now openly cheer terrorism and call for Israel’s destruction, it’s not entirely off-brand for an ideology that has often framed Jews as standard-bearers for white supremacy.

“Critical Race Theory simplistically erases the uniqueness of the Jewish experience and identifies Jews as ‘white’, CRT’s oppressor class,” reads a critique by Russell A. Shalev, an Israeli lawyer (and McGill University graduate) who has credited CRT with fostering a boom of anti-Semitism within academia.”

In summation:

As I mentioned, few of my old leftist friends have any further use for me other than to mischaracterise and insult me. Which I find almost amusing if it weren’t for the fact that they have been left bereft of my excellent company and good humour. It might surprise them to know the source of my renewed interest in understanding what is no doubt a complex topic full of contradictions and hermetic mysteries. I suppose that in order for those who truly seek to upset the applecart to make everything over in their own image that this was out of necessity, since their ideology makes no sense when examined in the clear light of day and in comparison to the legacy of responsible government and functional institutions that we inherited from our ancestors whom they label and patriarchal tyrannists, bigots, unenlightened and backwards. It is the reason for my awakening that might surprise them, however.

My wife is a kind and gentle person. She is educated both by the military at Naval Academy and Staff College as well as holding a degree from the University of Oslo. She is calm, and above all quiet in only the way that a Norwegian knows how to be. If you hear someone shouting in the streets of Norway that person will not be a Norwegian, that behaviour is simply not done. She has a deep and abiding love of her culture and her country whom she has served with stoic resolution despite her not being treated well by those for whom she served faithfully. Her own children disregard her, a sin so heinous that I find their behaviour toward their loving mother unconscionable. But enough of that, since other than praying for them, I have no control over the situation which must leave in God’s hands. So given her gentle and quiet nature my both my detractors and my friends might find it difficult to appreciate that my awakening to the hellish nightmare which has been caused by the social collectivists who are using Hegel to steer society toward ruin is due to her and her alone. It was Anne-Siri who first opened my eyes to the source of this ideological pathogen. A brain worm so deadly that it has reawakened the basest instincts of mankind to return us to tribalism, Anti-Semitism, collectivism, and a remarkable hatred for the freest, most prosperous economies the world has yet seen. All so that we can live smaller, pettier, colder, poorer lives beholden to those are playing this Dialectical game of globalist Monopoly. A world in which two opposites are synthesised into an impossibility. Thewy are attempting to indoctrinate us into believing in two mutually exclusive propositions that any sane person knows should instantly cancel one another out. This is why my wife’s kids won’t talk to her for she is guilty of the grievous sin of telling them that reality is their friend and there is no escaping from it. The simulacra that Critical Theory has created are attempting to replace the very foundations of peace, order and good governance upon which Canada was founded.

Part of our problem as people who believe in personal freedom, morality, and individual autonomy is that since we are individualistic collective efforts are not our forte. The left excels at this since Neo-Marxism is a globalist phenomenon. So, I wish Jordan Peterson, John Anderson, and Baroness Stroud the greatest successes with the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship and its conference which seeks to address these very issues. May it be as John Anderson wished that their new effort will be “a response to the "civilisational" moment, of western decline, as liberal democracies "are plagued with self doubt" as to their own values and beliefs”. For these are things to think about pray about as we reflect on our own role to challenge the silliness of Critical Theory and the enormous damage it has wrecked on the West.


Sunday, October 29, 2023

Identity politics, Anti-Semitism, and WOKE


There are two basic world views which will determine your political temperament:

The first view subscribes to the blank slate theory that we are born innocent with a highly malleable nature. You may hear folks who subscribe to this theory state things such as, “prejudices are learned and not inherent to the human condition”. In order to shape social development, they assume that it is necessary for the state to socially engineer society to guide the process of properly socialising humanity. These are the social collectivists who believe that it is necessary for the government to play a strong role in managing this process. Those who hold to this ideology define this process as “progressive” since the process of cultural evolution is ongoing, therefore, they view the entire project as continuous and unending. Or to describe this ideologically in plain language, communist revolution.

The second and more traditional view is the belief that mankind is inherently flawed and sinful. Therefore, the process of perfecting one's character must be an intensely personal and spiritual endeavour. Very often, this view also knows that this process can best proceed when the individual seeks Divine help in their ontological journey. Those who hold these ideas are cognizant of the fact that the world is a battleground between good and evil. They also recognize that mankind will always fall short of moral perfection due to our flawed nature.

Essentially the first category externalizes the path to perfection which is why they so often blame others for their moral failings and believe themselves to be victims while the latter understand that they are most often the authors of their own shortcomings, missteps, and sufferings.

The first category will divide mankind into identity groups who are assigned guilt and/or innocence based upon collective identity while the latter category judges people not by these immutable characteristics but by their individual pursuit of morality.

This month has offered repeated proof that once again social collectivism invariably leads to identity politics, tribalism, and murder.

As I mentioned, those who label themselves as progressives claim to believe that prejudice is a learned behaviour. If that were true what then can possibly explain the hideous escalation of Anti-Semitism just this past month alone in the wake of the atrocities committed by Hamas against Israel? Is it not the left who mysteriously labels anyone with an opinion they do not like as a NAZI even as they persecute Jews just like the NAZIS? The left’s attachment to immutable traits in order to assign innocence and guilt has reawakened the basest tribal instincts of mankind among those who incredibly deny that such instincts exist.

I am certain many of you will have heard of the kafuffle with Buffy Sainte-Marie as to whether she is indeed indigenous. I have also read the comments of many of her fans in the root’s music scene here in Canada who came to her defence. Two things I find remarkable about this. Firstly, regarding what causes her to view her ethnic identity as the most paramount and important aspect of who she is? If I was to do something similar you would be likely to read of me constantly harping on about my ancestry. Let me be clear, my ancestry is of almost no interest to any of you and neither should it be. Why is it then that as soon as one identifies as a member of an ostensibly oppressed minority that this becomes the most important thing that ought to be used to judge that person to determine the value of their character or of their importance as a musical artist? Secondly, I read of her using the phrase “my truth”. How on earth could her truth be different from anyone else’s truth since if it is true then it is equally true to everyone not merely personal to her? In her own words, 'I know who I am:' Buffy Sainte-Marie calls Indigenous identity questions hurtful, “To those who question my truth, I say with love, I know who I am.” Clearly, she assigns herself moral virtue based purely upon external characteristics that she, indeed no one, has any control over.

This externalizing of the truth to the collective unconsciousness is a telling characteristic of the radical left. Since their world view does not align itself with reality it therefore becomes necessary for them to create a simulacrum of reality which then becomes, “their truth”. This is where Hegelian Dialectical analysis is employed and I suggest if you are not familiar with this, that you should watch one of my previous podcast where I investigate how the Dialectic operates. Obviously, this process requires considerable faith to believe in something that does not exist since it cannot exist. These are nothing other than the delusional fantasies of weak minds who cannot handle living in reality. Furthermore, this detachment from reality causes them to seek out people who will share in their delusions, which is how the zeitgeist of ideological possession spread.

Or as evolutionary psychologist and university professor Dr. Gad Saad puts it, idea pathogens to parasitize the mind. In the words of Dr. Gad Saad: “I was born in Beirut, Lebanon. We were part of the last group of Lebanese Jews who had steadfastly refused to leave Lebanon. But when the Lebanese civil war broke out in 1975—the Lebanese civil war is the standard by which all butchery is measured against—it became impossible to remain in Lebanon. So we were there for the first year of the civil war, and then luckily we were able to escape to Canada.

The most direct way it [shapes my work] is that it allowed me to see what happens to a society that is instantiating a perfect ethos of identity politics. In Lebanon, everything is defined by identity politics. In this case, it was your religious heritage. There's an internal card in Lebanon, which basically is like an internal passport that states, very prominently, your religion. And if you were Jewish, they didn't even write "Jewish," they wrote "Israelite." So it even creates greater animus against you, even though you've got nothing to do with Israel and you're Lebanese. So I saw what identity politics does to a society, and to now see it lauded as a wonderful way to organize society 45 years after I left Lebanon is quite disheartening.

There's a debate now about who is allowed to speak about what. Your background allows you, in a way, to speak to our current moment. But do you agree with the idea that you need to have experienced something in order to have an opinion on it?

No. People can analyze the Holocaust, even though they didn't go through it. Oncologists study cancer even though they've never suffered from it. On some matters, of course, your lived experience adds one data point to the total narrative. I think in my case, the fact that I do hold the highest hand in victimology poker, or the gold medal in oppression Olympics, makes it more difficult for the enemies of reason to use the woke calculus against me. And so I use that against them, in a somewhat sardonic way, but in a very effective way, because they don't actually listen to the veracity of your arguments. Instead, whoever has the greater victimhood wins, and the reality is it's going to be very tough for most people to defeat me. And so they end up losing using their grotesque calculus. And so in that sense, I am pleased to have had my lived experience because it allows me to defeat the idiots.”

Yes, the world is a battle ground between good and evil. That battle is essentially ideological since the war is being fought on the academic front and has spread from its lecture halls into society writ large, hence back to my first assertion that this category believes the state’s gig is to control the project of socially engineering society. So, from the Academy the most insidious doctrines of the species of social collectivism known as WOKE is returning us to tribalism. From the National Post, dated Oct 16th, entitled; “Canada's new antisemitism envoy eyes the 'cancerous hate speech' on campuses, social media”

'Working with communities across Canada, we must and will promote and support extensive efforts on antisemitism education. And yes, we will visit the universities'


“Lyons was named to the role Monday morning during a conference on antisemitism in Ottawa.

She told reporters that her appointment comes amid “the malignancy growing here, that cancerous hate speech, that desire to polarize and divide and disrupt and destroy the spirit that is Canada.”’

To those of you who are foolish enough and/or sufficiently ignorant of the history of social collectivist movements, our universities are responsible for this incredible return to all the brutish tribalism inherent to those two great ideological genera of social collectivism known as NAZISM and Communism. If the two were to fornicate to bear a bastard child, then surely WOKE is their offspring. Every social collectivist movement of the past resulted in murder, tyranny, economic ruin, and social disaster. They were based upon the idolatrous belief that God is dead and that the state therefore must engineer the perfection of humanity and they did so by murdering Jews while assigning guilt and innocence purely based upon the immutable characteristics of the identity group to which each of us belongs.

I am constantly astounded at how unaware people are of their own moral failings required for them to externalize their own foolish pride and sin. And there is nothing more prideful than to assume we are born in a state of innocence. Obviously a newborn baby has not yet sinned but this in no way negates the fact that sin lives in that baby just waiting to manifest itself. To my own shame I fully acknowledge my own sins which are so glaringly and abundantly obvious that I would need to be unconscious to not be fully cognisant of the fact that I am a miserable sinner whose only hope is the unmerited Grace of God in Christ Jesus!

So now let us examine what the Scriptures tell us about our redemptive identity if we choose to come to Christ who is the way, the truth, and the life.

Galatians 3:26-29

"for in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith. As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to the promise."

Make Christ your identity for He has nullified all else when you are united with Him in salvation!


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Today they have come for the Jew but tomorrow they will come for you!


The monster of intersectional identity politics is a poisoned dart aimed at the heart of Christian ethics and the plurality inherent to Classical Liberalism. If allowed it will return us to all the horrific Nazi and Communist social collectivist failures of the past as it reawakens our basest tribal instincts by pitting one identity group against another. Today they have come for the Jew but tomorrow they will come for you!

How has this come about?

The West is dying because of the suicidal ideation of university professors who are teaching their students to hate themselves as an extension of the “oppressive culture” into which they were born. This even though identity politics has invariably created totalitarian and authoritarian regimes, so obviously the academics responsible do not care. After all, as learned academics they must be aware that our culture as compared to any other in the history of mankind has created greater personal autonomy, economic liberty, plurality, and legal justice. But this too must be ignored for them to pursue their radical cultural revolution. What they don't realize is that in condemning our culture, Christianity, and the Western liberal values which have been responsible for creating democracy, plurality, and the economic prosperity of free markets that they are replacing this with the critical dialectical insanity of Neo-Marxism synthesised with Nazism.  Marxism and Nazism are after all simply other Western ideologies, and ones which resulted in identity politics, murder, oppression, authoritarian tyranny, and economic ruin. In doing so they deliberately ignore the fact that liberalism and their ideology both originated in the West while conveniently omitting the history of how the latter invariably became death cults of murderous identity politics where individuals are deemed to be morally superior or inferior based purely upon their immutable characteristics.

In fact, in the face of the astounding rise in antisemitism in the west and its link to Nazims some are now making comparisons to it and Hamas. Particularly since Western governments have been very reluctant to condemn Hamas and its unwarranted heinous perpetration of terror against innocents which include its own women and children whom it hides behind. Nazism required faith to believe in it since there was no evidence to justify its ideological conclusions. It created mystical simulacra to replace reality. Nazis believed that they were a part of an inevitable ontological process of the evolutionary development of the master race. It fulfilled all Nietzsche's ideations of the Übermensch where man would become his own god. It invented its own sacred games, rituals, and festivals. It offered sacrifices to the pagan god of statism. It existed as a denial of Christianity just like Islam. Moreover, it blamed the Jews for problems of Germany’s own making.

There are some arguments made by historians and scholars about certain similarities between the ideologies of Nazism and some forms of radical Islamism, particularly in their expressions of extreme antisemitism and xenophobia. However, it's important to note that these comparisons are specific to certain radical interpretations of Islam, not the religion as a whole.

During World War II, there were instances of political and military relationships between Nazi Germany and the leadership of the Arab world. These relationships were often founded on shared hostilities toward common enemies, such as the United Kingdom and the French Third Republic, along with communism, and Zionism. Nazi Germany made significant attempts to promote an alliance with the "Muslim world" against their alleged common enemies.

Universities have become one of the main sources of antisemitism:


It’s important to clarify that not all professors are antisemitic. After all, universities are supposed to be diverse places with faculty members holding a wide range of beliefs and ideologies. But do they invariably do so? Sadly, there have been concerns raised about instances of antisemitism in academic settings.

“Educators warn of antisemitic ‘outbreak’ on college campuses, denounce ‘tone deafness’ of faculty and students”

“Educators and Jewish leaders are sounding the alarm on an "outbreak" of antisemitism on college campuses and are speaking out against faculty and students who displayed a complete "lack of empathy" following the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which has been tracking instances of antisemitism in the U.S. since 1979, reported over 100 antisemitic incidents in the United States since October 7.

The organization also said it received a sharp increase in complaints from college campuses during a conflict between Israel and Palestinian forces in May 2021 and again this month.

Speaking with Fox News Digital, Touro College and University System President Dr. Alan Kadish said Jewish students on college campuses over the past decade have felt an increase in antisemitism but, up until this point, have felt perhaps that it was manageable.


"I think the most recent outbreak has shattered that illusion," Kadish said of the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians.”

Some studies suggest that faculty members who endorse certain political movements, such as the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, may contribute to an environment where antisemitic incidents occur. There have been reports of Jewish students experiencing vandalism and threats of violence, and educators and Jewish leaders have expressed concern about a perceived “outbreak” of antisemitism on college campuses.

Under Neo-Marxism, Nazism and Political Islamism there is no room for dissent and diversity of opinion, and so now too in our universities under the moniker of their Postmodern WOKE agenda. Many in the Academy have created a ridiculous simulacrum, a fantasy, namely that Israel and Zionism are the boogie man, and not the unconscionable totalitarianism of Hamas. These worldly professors may claim to be atheists but if what they believe and practice ain't an idolatrous religion which is altogether too close to Nazism then I have no idea what could possibly be considered such. You gonna serve somebody, choose carefully!

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Simulacra versus the Sacred: How to counter the cultural revolution


The radical left has forcibly replaced reality with imaginary fantastical simulacra to promote a cultural revolution. For without fantastical ideation there can be no revolution. Every revolutionary regime depends on this process which is why every attempt to create a system based upon delusion resulted in murderous tyranny and ruin. If you are still asking yourselves why your government pursues ruinous policies based on pure wishful thinking by defying the laws of nature while denying the morality inherent to the Judeo-Christian ethic, wonder no more, they simply intend to tear it all down!

The West has for decades been dying because of the suicidal ideation of university professors who teach their students to hate themselves as an extension of what they have been told is an oppressive culture into which they were born. Even though identity politics has invariably created totalitarian and authoritarian regimes. The academics responsible do not care about that in spite of them being fully aware that plurality has only existed in the West and therefore can only be maintained when group identity is not a factor in building a functional society which is based on plurality. So, we must ask ourselves, do they not realize that in doing so they're abandoning the Western liberal values that created democracy, plurality, and the economic prosperity of free markets to embrace the critical dialectical insanity of Marxism? Of course, they do. What they do not recognize as they condemn the West for being inherently unjust and bigoted is that they have simply exchanged what has worked for yet another Western ideology, namely Marxism, which has only ever resulted in murder, oppression, authoritarian tyranny, and economic ruin.

Ideological possession grabs hold of people by using faux compassion for the "intersectionally oppressed" only to apply authoritarianism aimed at creating forced conformity and compliance to the revolutionary goals of the far left. In other words, idol worship. Leftism as I have often asserted is a hermetic cult where only those initiated into its secrets can possibly understand its mysteries. Which is why it is essential to understand the dialectic since it is the operating system of the left. It is the process of an unending revolution where each new synthesis becomes the thesis for the ongoing process of relentless criticism. This is as Marx asserted, "the ruthless criticism of all that exists" where revolution must replace reality with simulacra. Neither do leftists feel obliged to demonstrate that the simulacra they attempt to create can or will ever be realized. After all can a man ever truly become a woman? What proof do they offer for such a ridiculous assumption? Which is why you need to pretend you are mad to even begin to grasp how much of a hermetic mystery cult and quasi religious belief system socialism is. Only those initiated into its secrets can possibly swallow its inherent contradictions to acquire the faith required to believe in the dialectical revolution.

If we look at P.E. Trudeau as the original pro-Marxist thesis, the devolution of the Liberal Party of Canada as the antithesis, then Justin Trudeau represents the synthesis of the cultural revolution the father began. And since in Marxist terms the synthesis becomes the new thesis, we can fully expect that what post-cedes him will be far more revolutionary than even him. For that is how the revolution progresses, from thesis to antithesis to synthesis which then in turn becomes the new thesis for the next phase of revolution. The end of this process is never in sight, and the Marxist revolution is never complete. The left feels no need to justify themselves or the simulacra they are creating which are designed to replace reality with revolutionary fantasies.

So, no matter what the majority of us may wish, there can and will be no political solution to our prevailing moral, philosophical, and spiritual crisis. We must look to the hills from whence cometh our help while making intercessions on behalf of the nation. Only God can deliver us from the insanity of the WOKE fools in government who have even had the hubris to legislate compelled speech while censoring open discourse to one principal end, furthering their cultural revolution. Anything the denies and defies their attempt to make us believe that the simulacra are real must be silenced by force if their revolution is to progress from thesis to synthesis. For if society writ large were to become aware that the entire argument is constructed of mere smoke in mirrors then the dialectical process of revolution would grind to a halt.

Which is why the goal of this channel is to accomplish a few key things which need to happen before this idolatrous and demonic false narrative can be brought to a halt.

1): It is one thing to know something is true, but it is quite another to have the necessary revelation to act upon that knowledge. I am here to ask Christ to provide you with such a revelation should you wish to have one for your life will never be the same once you do!


2): The answer to this dilemma is to be found in Ephesians 1:17-19 (King James Version)

17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:

18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,

19 And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,


3): That once you have received of Him such a revelation, that I might be permitted to help equip you in the fight against this prevailing idolatry. So let us examine Ephesians 4: 10-23 (King James Version)

10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)

11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:

16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

17 This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind,

18 Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:

19 Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.

20 But ye have not so learned Christ;

21 If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus:

22 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;

23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;


4): To help you understand that the Church, which is Christ’s own body, has grown weak due to believers abandoning their responsibility to the clergy, among others, whom believers falsely assume are ordained by God to do His work on their behalf. This is a difficult statement but is nevertheless Scripturally sound, the church was never meant to be divided by sectarianism and run by a clergy. These ideas entered Christendom long after the first century which resulted in creating separate classes of believers and weak spirituality.


5): Ultimately my aim, indeed our aim, must be to restore New Testament church life in order to restore the Church operating under Christ alone while spreading the Word by the Sword of the Spirit in this idolatrous and godless world where simulacra have replaced the Sacred.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Introducing Food for the Faithful Channel: Putting on the full armour of God


Welcome to the Food for the Faithful Channel. My name is Bill Rymer, sometimes I refer to myself half jokingly as “The Reluctant Prophet” since for many years I have been warning where the prevailing social zeitgeist would take us. Now that we have arrived at what may seem as peak madness I think that I have been frighteningly accurate about what I wish were not true. This channel came about from both a realization and a revelation. Knowing something to be true without having the necessary revelation of its importance cannot result in glorifying our Lord. The purpose of this channel is to help equip my brothers and sisters with tools, perhaps better described as “weapons of warfare”, which will allow believers to battle with the prevailing deceptions of our time. This implies naturally that we require armour to wear as a shield but also need a weapon which is capable of striking at the heart of the lies being so successfully disseminated by the enemy of our souls, particularly from the universities. These lies have spread from the Academy to seed themselves into society writ large with disastrous consequences.

Ephesians 6:10-18 (King James Version)

10: Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

11: Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13: Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14: Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15: And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16: Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17: And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

18: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

The first thing I must make clear is that since this battle is both worldly and heavenly it is therefore being conducted by those deceived by the god of this world. The conflict will therefore appear to be socio-political. Be warned, it is not political and therefore there cannot be a political solution to this moral, philosophical, and spiritual dilemma.

2 Corinthians 4:4 (King James Version)

4: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

Since their minds have been blinded it is essential for us to understand the nature of the deception keeping in mind that we are warned that this deception could deceive even the elect.

Mattheew 24:24 (King James Version)

24: For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

How the deception operates requires the development of the Simulacrum. What is that you ask? A simulacrum is an image or representation, an unreal or vague semblance, or that which is formed in the likeness of any object. It is Satan’s clever way of saying “Hath God said” without you ever realizing that is what has been asked. Which is why the simulacrum hides itself in a political ideology which cannot possibly be addressed politically since the minds of those affected by it are possessed by this ideology, or as the Bible states, blinded. So even if Christians vote for those who most closely represent their belief system the simulacrum will continue to block any attempt to unseat its hold on the minds of those who have become ideologically possessed by it. Which is why I am certain that there will be some of you who have been forced to sever ties with dear friends and loved ones, not because you wished to divorce yourself from their company but because your friends and loved ones cannot bear you refuting their ideological possession.

The character of the counterfeit:

In studying the nature of the radical left’s belief system, for that is what it is, I've come to understand that it's necessary to pretend you're crazy to grasp what they actually believe. It is a gnostic, hermetic cult where only "enlightened initiates" are given the secret illuminated knowledge to lay aside all its inherent contradictions to synthesize opposites into a unity. This philosophically speaking is known as Hegelian Dialectical Synthesis. It begins by denouncing "what is", namely reality, which then allows them to create a non-existent possibility without ever needing to prove that such a possibility can even exist. Leftism is therefore a cult of wishful delusion and the magical thinking which negates what has demonstrably worked in the past to replace that with some future perfection which even they refuse to define and admit will never fully be realized. This is the reason that the socialist revolution is an unending and unfinishable project of endlessly tearing down existing structures to replace the concrete and knowable with fantasies, or as Marx stated, "the ruthless criticism of all that exists", yet to do so without ever making a positive assertion of what will exist in its absence.

Let me read the foreword from “Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed” written by Danish author Mikkel Clair Nissen. Mikkel is a friend of mine who despite him not being a Christian has been able to brilliantly dissect the narcissistic nature of the faux egalitarianism behind the radical left keeping in mind that Satan himself was cast out of heaven due to his pride and hubris. Here is the link to it on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Manipulism-Weapon-Guilt-Collectivism-Exposed/dp/1633960250

 “The most illusive notion known to the modern age is that altruistic egalitarian ideals of the left-wing—known as Marxism—are perceived as ideologies. Social-liberalism, which is the first step toward socialism with the intent to achieve communism, merely defines the severity of inferiority complex: the extremely tiny gap between pathological narcissism and its more extreme form known as narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Growing up in a collective society, one is coerced, and virtually left with all but one choice. As a former socialist, finally liberated, who was born and raised in Denmark—supposedly the happiest nation on earth—I have devoted my life to alerting the world about the subliminal secrets of collectivism. How can anyone truly fight anything if one is not 100 percent aware and able to describe exactly what one is fighting? My intention in this book is to prove that one single voice, with the right words, can have the roar of a million and can influence the world by creating a precise understanding of democratic socialism—or to be more precise and use the latest terminology, “universal welfare society.” Thus, the more appropriate terminology to describe Marxism’s democratic passive-aggressive approach—rather than the usual obvious and complete fascist military takeover—would be “ambient socialism.” Thereby, simply with the weapon of irrefutable knowledge, Marxism can be immobilized. Quite simply, exposure will cause sudden awareness, and socialism, democratically, is less likely achieved once its awful emotional mind game has become common household knowledge. This book, therefore, is dedicated to freedom and the earth’s greatest individualistic culture, the United States of America. This exposure, based almost entirely on social science, is so controversial and comprehensively detailed that Denmark’s perceived right-wing newspaper—ironically the same newspaper that caused the Muhammad cartoons controversy in 2005 in the name of freedom of speech—will not review my book. This explicative psychological index (e.g., collectivist traits, indoctrination methods, intimidation techniques, and ways of passive coercion) is meant as a gift from me to the reader for self-empowerment through social observations, as well as a subconscious journey for the readers themselves. Please share this knowledge with friends and support my effort to alert the world. The intimidations (threats, lies, and deceptions) in attempt to discredit me and deny this book’s honesty and preciseness are all worth my while. Regardless, this book will raise questions and effect societal changes, and the outcome will speak for itself. Wars should be fought with words—the right words—and never through coercion or terror. Welcome to my words of revolution.

“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” - Albert Einstein”

The left employs Hegels initial philosophical ideas to turn them into a weapon of enslavement while calling the process of enslavement liberation. Dialectical synthesis is a concept derived from the philosophy of Hegel, who believed that reality is a process of constant change and development, driven by the conflict and resolution of opposing ideas or forces. Hegel called this process dialectic, and he used the terms thesis, antithesis, and synthesis to describe its stages. A thesis is a proposition or a statement of belief that generates a reaction or an opposition, called an antithesis. The clash between the thesis and the antithesis produces a new idea or a compromise, called a synthesis, which then becomes the new thesis for another cycle of dialectic. In other words, each new step is used to further the socialist revolution.

Some political theorists have argued that dialectical synthesis can lead to totalitarianism, which is a form of government and a political system that prohibits all opposition parties, outlaws individual and group opposition to the state and its claims, and exercises an extremely high if not complete degree of control and regulation over public and private life. One of the arguments is that dialectical synthesis eliminates diversity and plurality of opinions and values, and imposes a single, absolute, and final truth or ideology on society. This can result in the suppression of dissent, the elimination of human rights and freedoms, and the creation of a cult of personality around the leader or the party that claims to represent the synthesis. Another argument is that dialectical synthesis can be used as a justification or a rationalization for violence and oppression, by portraying them as necessary means to achieve a higher end or a greater good. This can lead to the dehumanization of the enemies or the opponents of the synthesis, and the glorification of war and revolution as instruments of historical progress.

As renown Christian de-mystifier James Lindsay wrote in the notes to New Discourses Bullets, Episode. 68  


“One of Marxists’ favorite words to project onto their enemies is “mystification.” Everyone, they insist, who isn’t on board with their twisted program is “mystified” about the true nature of reality, which they have, of course, discovered and delineated in unique clarity (in their own estimation, anyway). As we know, the Iron Law of Woke Projection never misses. The fact is that Marxist ideologies mystify their targets. That is, they mug people of their ability to apprehend and discern reality through tricky arguments that work a lot like an illusionist’s trick or a wizard’s spell. The feeling is that you’ve run into a “good argument” for something that must be false, and it’s critical people learn to recognize this feeling so they know when to slow down and dig deeper. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay illustrates the conditions of Woke Marxist mystification and talks about how to learn to pierce through it to see reality clearly again.”

Join me in learning how we can equip ourselves to expose the quasi-religious nature of the left’s dialectical arguments. As Dr. James Lindsay states, the dialectic is their operating system. Once you understand how the radical left uses dialectics to construct false realities allows us to employ the Sword of the Word to counter this delusion. Hebrew 4:12 (King James Version) “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

Please subscribe, share this channel to prayerfully join this vital discussion on deconstructing the enemy’s “Hath God said?” so that we may counter that with what God hath said! This channel is free and there is no paid subscription. In fact, I seriously mistrust those who require payment for sharing the Word of God. I welcome and invite all criticism and comments and will not censor you.


Monday, October 16, 2023

They have not rejected you, they have rejected Christ


John 5: 44-47

44 How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only?

45 Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust.

46 For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me.

47 But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?

It ought not surprise us that the closer we get to revealing the truth regarding the prevailing false ideology that some posing as God’s people will give us the strongest resistance. We find an example of such when Israel rejected Samuel. For many years, Samuel had served God’s people, and even though his sons had proven themselves to be unfaithful, Samuel had remained faithful. He had served Israel by speaking the Word of God to the nation. Even though Samuel had appointed judges to govern Israel nevertheless the people eventually rejected Samuel as God’s spokesperson.

“Then all the elders of Israel gathered and came to Samuel at Ramah and there they said to him, ‘Behold, you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now appoint for us a king to judge us like all the nations’” (1 Samuel 8:4-5). Samuel had appointed them judges, but now the people demanded a king just like the godless nations around them. Obviously, this displeased Samuel since the Scriptures record that, “the thing was evil in his eyes.” He knew that the people not only had rejected him, but that they were repudiating him. They were expressing discontentment with his leadership and longed not only for a new leader but also for an entirely new system of worldly government. Their rejection and Samuel’s dejection were complete.

When Samuel took his concerns to God, God spoke to the prophet to encourage him by reminding that the Israel’s rejection was not a rejection of Samuel the prophet, but of God the king. “And the LORD said to Samuel, ‘Obey the voice of the people in all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me from being king over them’” (1 Samuel 8:7). While Samuel may have been right to be offended by the people’s demand, God had the greater right to be offended. For if Samuel had ruled imperfectly, God had ruled Israel perfectly. Although Samuel’s time as prophet had been short, God’s legacy was a long and unblemished record of loving, guiding, and protecting Israel. Still, “Obey their voice,” God said, “and make them a king” (1 Samuel 8:22).

The Prophet Samuel had acted as God’s spokesperson to the nation of Israel. He had been called and equipped by God to speak on His behalf. Therefore, those who rejected the words of Samuel had rejected the Words of the One who had called Samuel. In rejecting God’s spokesperson Israel had rejected God. Today as we are called to be God’s spokespersons to the Church, we must expect rejection from disobedient Christians too. Christians who become angered when we share the harsh reality of the nature of the false doctrines that we are warned could deceive even the elect. We can learn from Samuel that it is our task to faithfully communicate Scriptural Truths to counter Satanic false doctrines. We must understand that those who accept our words are accepting God, not us, and that those who reject these Spiritual Truths are rejecting God, not us. Mark 13:22 “For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.”

Much of what I have come to understand of WOKE ideology comes from two major sources, Stephen Hicks, and James Lindsay. Dr Lindsay is a leading expert on Critical Race Theory and a founder of New Discourses. He has written six books on religion, the philosophy of science, and postmodern theory. As a Christian he rejects Woke Marxism and supports the Rule of Law under attack from the radical left.


Hegel, Wokeness, and the Dialectical Faith of Leftism

“Is Critical Race Theory Marxist, as many insist, or is it not? What is the relationship between Marxism, neo-Marxism (Critical Theory), and Wokeness? All three criticize one another, and yet all three have a great deal obviously in common. Is there some common underlying thread between these clearly similar yet obviously different worldviews? The answer is yes, and by tracing back to one of the most influential speculative idealist philosophers of the early 19th century, namely George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, we can gain a great deal of insight into how these decidedly leftist movements—the Marxist Old Left, the neo-Marxist New Left, and the intersectional Woke Left—share at least one deeper philosophical architecture in common. From Hegel, the Left since his time has, wittingly and not, adopted several of the pillars of Hegelian philosophy, these including his statism, historicism, and, much more importantly, his dialectical approach and metaphysical worldview. In this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, James Lindsay takes a long, deep dive into the ways that Hegel’s philosophy is at the root of the entire “Dialectical Left” since, naming the dialectic the “operating system” of all activist Leftism since the early 1800s.

In this episode, Lindsay takes considerable time explaining Hegel’s view of dialectical thought and then reveals in many examples, reaching up to the present day, how consistently the dialectic appears as the functional underpinning of Leftism ever since, at the latest, the 1830s. He makes the case that Leftism since Hegel thinks dialectically, moves dialectically, and applies dialectical thought not just to its targets but to everything, including itself and even its own dialectic. He then switches gears and explains how the dialectic is central to Hegel’s underlying Hermetic (or alchemical) worldview and explains his mystical metaphysics so that this long arc of Leftist activism can be understood as evolving denominations within a single religious faith. With this theoretical groundwork laid, he then tackles how Hegel’s historicism and statism arise as key features of his philosophy, with both of these characterizing activist Leftism up to the present day. Join him for his longest and most in-depth discussion yet, taking on how Hegel is a key progenitor of communism, liberationism, and ultimately Wokeness, how this philosophy must be understood so that it can be countered, and why it should be thought of in the same way that Hegel thought of it: as a religion in its own right, with its own notion of deity, metaphysical commitments, soteriology, and eschatology.”

Yesterday when sharing my previous podcast and blog on social media two claiming to share my hope in Christ attacked me for stating that Hegelianism has led to totalitarian tyranny, bloodshed, and anti-Semitism. They became enraged that I had shared what is certainly not merely my opinion but also that of many scholars, both Christian and secular learned academics who recognize how dangerous the influence of the Hegelian Dialectic is. The most starting aspect of their attack was revealed by the fact they refused to debate me on what I had stated and written. In fact, they appeared to totally ignore it. They felt it sufficient to engage in character assassination while stating that my premise was utterly false and then refused to state exactly what it was that I had gotten wrong despite me repeatedly asking for them to enlighten me.

So let us examine the association between Hegelian dialectical analysis and totalitarianism which admittedly is a complex issue. But here are some reasons based on various sources:

1. **Dialectical Process**: The Hegelian dialectic involves a process of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis³. This process can be manipulated by those in power to create or exploit problems, leading to a reaction from the people who ask the government for protection and help⁴. This can potentially lead to an increase in government control and a decrease in individual freedoms⁴.

2. **Interpretation of Hegel's Ideas**: Some argue that Hegel's ideas have been misinterpreted or misused by totalitarian regimes¹. For example, the Soviet Union was based on the Hegelian dialectic, as is all Marxist writing³.

3. **Hegel's Political Theory**: Some critics argue that Hegel's political theory, as expressed in his Philosophy of Right, has elements that could be interpreted as supporting a strong state¹. However, others argue for a more balanced interpretation of his political theory¹.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023-10-16

(1) What is The HEGELIAN DIALECTIC? - Christian Observer. https://christianobserver.net/what-is-the-hegelian-dialectic/.

(2) Hegelian Dialectic: What It Is & How Does It Apply To You?. https://areweallreallyeducated.com/hegelian-dialectic/.

(3) Hegel as a Political Theorist - JSTOR. https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdfplus/2128351.

(4) Hegelianism | Definition, Philosophy, Examples, & Facts. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Hegelianism.

(5) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel | SpringerLink. https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-030-81037-5_46-1.

And so, when we dutifully, faithfully speak the nature of sound Gospel Truth, we are calling those being deceived away from false doctrine to the Truth of Christ and Him resurrected. There will be consequences when we speak on behalf of God to His Church and to the world at large. We may face censure, we may face mockery, we may face violence, we may even face death. Yet when we have prayerfully spoken God’s own Divine Truth, we can be convinced that the hatred we encounter is first against God. It was Israel who rejected their Messiah and now a weak, worldly, and deluded Church is doing the same to their Saviour. God’s words to Samuel have become his words to us: they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me!

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Hamas and the left: Allies in anti-Semitism and terror


Our Existential Crisis: loss of a Godly narrative capable of defining the nature of reality:

Let us have a serious existential conversation. A discussion about the nature of reality. As to how and why we perceive the world around us as we do. Reality must be constrained to be perceived since the nature of it is far too complex. Without constraints we would simply drown in the details. This is why since the 4th century CE Christianity gave the West a consistent and disciplined framework which provided these constraints, a single unifying framework which defined our world view. Yet in this emerging post-Christian world the lack of such a framework has created an enormous void. In the absence of this grand narrative, we are confronted with nihilism and despair.

Since nature detests a vacuum, the void created in Christianity’s absence cried out for a new all-encompassing world view. A one size fits all solution which Postmodern society could embrace to explain the nature of being and our place in a world of infinite complexity. Enter Cultural Marxist Critical Theory. This theory in conjunction with Postmodern Literary Criticism provides an operating system which informs how the radical left will examine the nature of reality, namely by dialectical analysis. According to a recent study at U of T this world view is most often embraced by those who have low verbal intelligence since dialectical analysis often oversimplifies multivariate complex problems. After all, you cannot be very verbally adroit of you are willing to ignore inherent inconsistencies and contradictions in your own conclusions. Even as Marx and Engels based their Communist Manifesto on Dialectical Materialism, the radical left of today embraced this Hegelian concept of Dialectical Materialism and expanded it to include a critical analysis of intersectional oppression.

Which is why despite the threat from the founder of Hamas calling for all followers around the world to dedicate their “blood and souls” to Palestine on Friday the 13th of October some of our own politicians have still declared open support for Hamas. We must ask how it is that leftists can call for restraint in dealing with terrorists who intend to maim and murder innocents while claiming that Palestinians are victims of "post-colonial oppression"? It demonstrates a willful ignorance of history to accuse Israel of being guilty of post-colonial oppression given that Jews first inhabited the land of Israel some 3.5 Millenia ago. Obviously, one cannot bargain with murderous totalitarian zealots who have sworn to destroy Israel and murder innocent Jews with impunity who hide behind their own women and children while doing so. Furthermore, you cannot reason with the leftists who support them since they've divorced themselves from this reality. It is my opinion that neither belong in a civilized society! So let us examine how the left attempts to reconcile the contradictions inherent in their inconsistent ideology.

Hamas and Gaza:

Hamas, a militant Palestinian nationalist movement, took control of Gaza after it won elections there in 2006⁴. Since then, no elections have been held⁴.

The Gaza Strip refers to a narrow strip of land wedged between Israel and Egypt on the Mediterranean Sea⁴. After the creation of Israel in 1948, Egypt controlled Gaza for nearly two decades. After Israel's victory in the 1967 Six-Day War against its Arab neighbors, it gained control of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank⁴.

In 2005, under international and domestic pressure, Israel withdrew around 9,000 Israeli settlers and its military forces from Gaza, leaving the enclave to be governed by the Palestinian Authority, which also controlled parts of the occupied West Bank⁴.

Despite pleas from the United Nations and human rights groups, Israel has maintained a land, air and sea blockade on Gaza since 2007 that has had a devastating effect on Palestinian civilians⁴. Israel says the blockade, which gives it control of Gaza's borders and is also enforced by Egypt, is necessary to protect Israeli citizens from Hamas⁴. The International Committee of the Red Cross considers the blockade illegal and says it violates the Geneva Convention⁴.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023-10-14

(1) Gaza Strip explained: Who controls it and what to know - NBC News. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/gaza-strip-controls-s-know-rcna119405.

(2) Why Hamas' control of Gaza must end now. https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/world/why-hamas-control-of-gaza-must-end-now/ar-AA1hRQjm.

(3) Why did Hamas attack, and why now? What does it hope to gain?. https://theconversation.com/why-did-hamas-attack-and-why-now-what-does-it-hope-to-gain-215248.

(4) What is Hamas, how does it control the Gaza Strip and why has Israel declared war?. https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/australia/what-is-hamas-how-does-it-control-the-gaza-strip-and-why-has-israel-declared-war/ar-AA1hTo5Q.

(5) What’s happening in Israel and Gaza? What is Hamas? A really simple .... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67039975.

(6) Guide: Why are Israel and the Palestinians fighting over Gaza?. https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/20436092.

Why does Egypt also block Gaza:

Egypt has several reasons for maintaining restrictions on the Gaza Strip³⁴⁵. Here are some key points:

1. **Security Concerns**: When Hamas took over Gaza, Egypt and Israel largely closed their border crossings with Gaza, on the grounds that Fatah and Palestinian Authority forces had fled the Strip and were no longer able to provide security on the Palestinian side⁵.

2. **Regional Rivalries and International Alliances**: Egypt doesn't want to take the pressure off Israel, which it holds responsible for running Gaza⁴. At the same time, Egypt has an interest in weakening Hamas, which rules the territory⁴.

3. **Fear of Increased Iranian Influence**: Egypt was worried that Hamas control of Gaza would increase Iranian influence⁵.

4. **Refugee Crisis**: Egypt is uneasy about the prospect of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees crossing into its territory¹.

5. **Preserving Palestinian Rights**: Egypt rejects any move to set up safe corridors for refugees fleeing the enclave, to protect "the right of Palestinians to hold on to their cause and their land"².

It's important to note that these are complex and sensitive issues with deep historical roots and ongoing political implications.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023-10-14

(1) Officials: Egypt closes Gaza border amid tensions with Hamas. https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-africa-egypt-hamas-5570b6bf0e5f1c853ebf3863745fc1fc.

(2) Israel, Gaza tensions: Why Egypt helps maintain the blockade. https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/israel-gaza-tensions-why-egypt-helps-maintain-blockade.

(3) Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockade_of_the_Gaza_Strip.

(4) The last remaining exit for Gazans is through Egypt. Here's why ... - CNN. https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/13/middleeast/egypt-rafah-crossing-gaza-palestinians-mime-intl/index.html.

(5) Egypt says Israel seeks to empty Gaza, rejects corridors for civilians .... https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/12/egypt-says-israel-seeks-to-empty-gaza-rejects-corridors-for-civilians.

Iran’s influence over Hamas:

From https://www.aol.com/news/germanys-scholz-iran-bears-responsibility-075215085.html

Germany's Scholz: Iran bears responsibility for Hamas attacks by Thomas Escritt and Miranda Murray

October 12, 2023 at 6:31 AM

BERLIN (Reuters) -German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Thursday Iran bore responsibility for helping Hamas grow to the point where it launched last weekend's attack on Israel, as he announced a crackdown on organisations that backed the Islamist movement.

"While we have no firm proof that Iran operationally supported this cowardly attack, it is clear to us all that without Iranian support, Ham as would never have been able to launch this unprecedented attack," he said.

"The jubilant statements from the top of the Iranian regime and some other government officials in the region are abhorrent. The leadership in Tehran shows its true colours without shame, and thereby confirms its role in Gaza."

The Islamic Republic has celebrated the Hamas assault but denied that Tehran was behind them.

In a special address to the German parliament, Scholz said his government would ban all fundraising and other activities supporting Hamas, including being seen to glorify its actions or displaying its symbols.

He also announced a ban on Samidoun, an international activist group that says it supports Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, but which German authorities say promotes hate speech and calls for Israel's destruction.

Samidoun did not respond to a request for comment.

Germany rallied around Israel after at least 1,300 people were killed and dozens taken hostage in a mass cross-border infiltration by Hamas militants into Israeli towns and villages near Gaza. It has frozen Palestinian aid pending a review.

Germany has stepped up protection of Jewish institutions and banned a pro-Palestinian protest due to take place in the capital Berlin on Wednesday.

Like other German leaders, Scholz said the country had a historic duty towards Israel given its responsibility for the Nazi-perpetrated Holocaust.

The suffering of civilians in the Gaza Strip was likely to worsen "but that too is the fault of Hamas and its attack on Israel," Scholz said, while also criticising what he said was the "shameful" silence of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, whose West Bank-based Fatah movement is a rival of Hamas.

Gaza authorities say more than 1,200 people have been killed in a retaliatory Israeli bombing campaign.

Scholz added that it was important to try and avoid a further regional escalation of violence, warning Hezbollah, another Iranian-backed militant group, powerful in Israel's neighbour Lebanon, not to risk an attack on Israel.

"I am in close contact with Egypt's President Sisi, who has channels to Gaza. I will speak with Turkey's President Erdogan today and receive the Emir of Qatar," he added. "All three can play an important role in de-escalating the situation."’

Why the radical left sympathises with Islamic terrorists:

1 Anti-Imperialism: Some on the radical left view Western countries, particularly the United States, as imperialist powers that have historically exploited and oppressed countries in the Middle East. They may sympathize with groups that they see as resisting this imperialism.

2 Anti-Israel Sentiment: Some individuals on the radical left are critical of Israel’s policies towards Palestinians and may sympathize with groups that oppose Israel.

3 Solidarity with Oppressed Groups: The radical left often emphasizes solidarity with oppressed groups around the world. They may view some Islamic groups as representing oppressed populations.

4 Critique of Capitalism: Some on the radical left critique global capitalism and may see some Islamic groups as resisting this system.

5 Misunderstanding or Lack of Information: In some cases, individuals may not fully understand the actions or ideologies of certain groups and may sympathize with them based on a lack of information.

Dialectical synthesis leads to oversimplifying complex problems:

Dialectical synthesis is a concept in philosophy that refers to the resolution of a conflict between two opposing ideas or forces, known as a thesis and an antithesis¹⁵. The synthesis is the outcome of this conflict, which can be a refutation of the thesis, a combination of the opposing assertions, or a qualitative improvement of the dialogue¹. This process is unending as your synthesis becomes your new thesis, for which it too will possess a counter-proposition (antithesis)⁴.

On the other hand, oversimplification refers to reducing complexity so severely that a distorted impression is given⁸. It loses the nuances of an issue and people may arrogantly believe they can resolve a layered issue with simple “solutions”⁸. Unfortunately, simple “solutions” fail to tackle the layers within a complex issue⁸.

In the context of multivariate complex issues, dialectical synthesis can be seen as a method to understand and resolve these complexities. It acknowledges that all things are made of opposing forces and brings together the most valuable parts of two polarities to form a new meaning, understanding, or solution in a given situation³. However, it's important to avoid oversimplification when dealing with such issues. Reducing complexity loses the nuances of an issue and simple “solutions” fail to tackle the layers within a complex issue⁸. Therefore, while dialectical synthesis can be a useful tool in understanding complex issues, care must be taken to avoid oversimplification.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023-10-14

(1) Dialectic - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dialectic.

(2) What Is Dialectics? What Is The Triad Thesis? - Science ABC. https://www.scienceabc.com/social-science/what-is-dialectics.html.

(3) Creative Problem Solving: Create Meaning from Contradictory Ideas. https://www.lifehack.org/693699/creative-problem-solving-create-meaning-from-contradictory-ideas.

(4) The Dangers of Oversimplification | Avoid The Fallacy of Reduction. https://www.becomeanindividual.com/oversimplification/.

(5) The Power of “And” - West Virginia University. https://medicine.hsc.wvu.edu/media/104008/introduction-to-dialectics.pdf.

(6) Dialectic | Hegelian, Synthesis & Antithesis | Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/dialectic-logic.

(7) Analysis of Multiple Dependent Variables - Google Books. https://books.google.com/books/about/Analysis_of_Multiple_Dependent_Variables.html?id=eH6_ty48As8C.

(8) 6 Avoiding Oversimplification - Maricopa Open Digital Press. https://open.maricopa.edu/researchsandbox/chapter/critical-thinking-avoiding-oversimplification/.

(9) Don’t Oversimplify The Complex Or Overcomplicate The Simple. https://www.socialjusticesolutions.org/2015/05/07/dont-oversimplify-complex-overcomplicate-simple/.

(10) Oversimplification | The Encyclopedia of World Problems. http://encyclopedia.uia.org/en/problem/oversimplification.

My conclusions and observations:

The foremost reason the left’s narrative fails is that Dialectical Synthesis ignores the very foundations for the morality of the West based upon Christian ethics. Which is why the process of Dialectical Synthesis potentially leads to moral dilemmas if the thesis and antithesis represent conflicting moral values. In such cases, the synthesis might involve a compromise or reconciliation that some might view as morally problematic.

Marx and Engels failed to explain the complexity of a market economy since the Dialectical Materialism which formed the basis of the Communist Manifesto. And so, it is with Cultural Marxist Critical Theory and Postmodern Literary Criticism which fails to comprehend the complexity inherent to social cooperation, morality, and the human need for personal freedom and autonomy. Therefore, Hegelian Dialectical analysis is far too simplistic to comprehend the meaning the left lost when they abandoned Christianity and the freedom in Christ that it affords. Moreover, authoritarian force must be applied to enforce leftist ideology on society since not everyone will voluntarily cooperate with its demands.

First, let us consider the characteristics of a free citizen. English philosopher and physician John Locke described the basics of freedom during the Enlightenment 300 years ago. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential thinkers on freedom and is commonly known as the “Father of Liberalism.” He said that we own ourselves—our time, our labour, and our physical bodies, including our tongues to speak. We can neither force anyone to listen to us nor lose those rights when we enter society from a state of nature.

Think of freedom on an axis or spectrum. Envisage yourself as an individual citizen, not being lumped into one identity group or another. Where do you prefer to be on this freedom axis? On the right is a preference for more freedom and less authoritarianism. But on the left is a preference for less freedom and more authoritarianism. A leftist has a more elitist or socialist point of view who believes that people cannot make their own decisions—and that the nanny state must look after us. That is the result of dialectics applied to a society writ large. Where do you think there is more freedom to live your life as you choose, in Gaza where there is no plurality or in Israel where Arabs, Jews, Christians, and indeed people of all faiths, are treated identically under the law?

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