Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Narcissism, Codependency, and Trudeau


Narcissists detest self actualized individuals. To them relationships are all about dominance, power, and control. To the narcissist the only frame of reference is their own, since your opinions were not solicited, they are not welcomed. With these few simple statements of psychological truths, the methods by which we are currently being governed are laid bare.

The advantages of being a heterodox person:

I find it amusing that few understand where I am coming from despite me carefully explaining my philosophical position using ethics, epistemology, and ontology while I am able to readily identify the ideological positions of others. The reason for this is quite simple, I seek to understand what motivates others since I'm interested in them as individuals rather than as an extension of their “intersectional identity group” and other such CRT idiocy. The prevailing intellectual malaise of our time is due to the dreadful narcissistic shallowness indicative of the tribalism inherent to group think. It reveals an astounding social ability to adopt commonly held views without giving said views a moment's thought as to their soundness and ethical validity. Which is why Critical Theory was created by Cultural Marxists who were sociologists who studied group behaviour and how to manipulate it.  Which is why Western liberal democracy is suffering under narcissistic power mad fools who understand this and use it to manipulate society to the brink of ruin.

So let us examine the nature of the narcissism which motivates such political entitlement and grandiosity:

Narcissism is a personality trait characterized by a pattern of self-centeredness and an excessive focus on one's own needs and desires. Some common traits associated with narcissism include:

1. Grandiosity: A sense of superiority and entitlement, often believing they are special or unique.

2. Need for Admiration: A constant craving for admiration, attention, and validation from others.

3. Lack of Empathy: Difficulty understanding or empathizing with the feelings and needs of others.

4. Manipulative Behavior: A tendency to manipulate and exploit others to achieve personal goals.

5. Arrogance: A belief in one's own superiority and a tendency to look down on others.

6. Fragile Self-Esteem: Despite outward confidence, narcissists often have fragile self-esteem and can be highly sensitive to criticism.

7. Envy and Competition: A strong inclination to envy others and view them as rivals.

8. Difficulty Maintaining Relationships: Narcissists often struggle to maintain healthy, long-term relationships due to their self-centeredness and lack of empathy.

9. Inability to Take Responsibility: They may avoid taking responsibility for their actions and instead blame others for their problems.

10. Impulsivity: Engaging in impulsive and risky behaviors without considering the consequences.

Although not all individuals with narcissistic traits will meet the criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which is a clinical diagnosis, but just how many of these traits are rife in the Canadian government today? Face it, the list I just read reads as though it were Trudeau’s operating manual. This has become problematic since it significantly impairs the government’s ability to function and make sound fiscal and policy decisions based upon a reasonable assessment of best policies and practices. Pathological narcissists often seek relationships with individuals who can serve their emotional needs and ego. Government provides the perfect storm for pathological narcissists to feed their emotional needs by manipulating the nation to conform to their arbitrary dictates. Which is why those in power are attracted to people who can provide them with admiration, validation, and a sense of superiority. Here are some types of people pathological narcissists may be drawn to:

1. Empathetic and Caring Individuals: Narcissists often target empathetic and caring individuals who are more likely to tolerate their self-centered behavior and provide the attention and validation they crave. Particularly those in power are able to foist their WOKE agenda in an unending cascade of invitations to pity the downtrodden and apologize for wrong which we have had no part in.

2. People with Low Self-Esteem: Individuals with low self-esteem may be vulnerable to the charm and charisma of a narcissist. The narcissist can use this vulnerability to gain control and manipulate the person. After all, if you are witless enough to vote for a man not because of his ability to lead but rather because you like his hair then your own level of self confidence must be severely wanting.

3. Codependent Individuals: Codependent individuals tend to prioritize the needs of others over their own, which can make them easy targets for narcissists who exploit this dynamic to meet their own needs. Which is why every day when I drive downtown to drop my wife off at her embassy, I see the tragic sight of woe begone hopeless and homeless addicts who gravitate to the Ottawa city core near parliament hill.

4. Successful or Well-Connected Individuals: Narcissists may be attracted to individuals who are successful, wealthy, or well-connected, as associating with such people can enhance the narcissist's own self-image. Canada after all has never seen such lining of pockets and cronyism since its founding with new scandals appearing in the news every day.

5. Those Who Idealize Them: Narcissists prefer relationships where they are idealized and put on a pedestal. They seek individuals who view them as perfect and infallible. In this we see that the cult of Justin the selfie master is amazingly still alive and well.

6. Enablers: Some individuals are willing to enable the narcissist's behavior by tolerating their manipulation and accepting their excuses, allowing the narcissist to continue their self-serving actions. In this category I would include the entire civil service who in spite of this government’s colossal failures and illiberal, authoritarian policies carry out his bidding with more fervour than a Pentecostal preacher at an altar call.

It's important to note that narcissists can be highly skilled at identifying and targeting individuals who fulfill their needs, and they often employ charm and manipulation to establish and maintain these relationships. Such relationships can be emotionally damaging for the person involved, as they may experience emotional abuse, manipulation, and a lack of reciprocity in the relationship. If you suspect you are in a nation governed by a pathological narcissist, it's advisable to seek support and consider subscribing to the Food for the Faithful Channel to help address our national crisis!

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