There are two basic world views which will determine your political
The first view subscribes to the blank slate theory that we
are born innocent with a highly malleable nature. You may hear folks who subscribe
to this theory state things such as, “prejudices are learned and not inherent
to the human condition”. In order to shape social development, they assume that
it is necessary for the state to socially engineer society to guide the process
of properly socialising humanity. These are the social collectivists who believe
that it is necessary for the government to play a strong role in managing this
process. Those who hold to this ideology define this process as “progressive” since
the process of cultural evolution is ongoing, therefore, they view the entire
project as continuous and unending. Or to describe this ideologically in plain
language, communist revolution.
The second and more traditional view is the belief that
mankind is inherently flawed and sinful. Therefore, the process of perfecting
one's character must be an intensely personal and spiritual endeavour. Very
often, this view also knows that this process can best proceed when the individual
seeks Divine help in their ontological journey. Those who hold these ideas are cognizant
of the fact that the world is a battleground between good and evil. They also recognize
that mankind will always fall short of moral perfection due to our flawed
Essentially the first category externalizes the path to
perfection which is why they so often blame others for their moral failings and
believe themselves to be victims while the latter understand that they are most
often the authors of their own shortcomings, missteps, and sufferings.
The first category will divide mankind into identity groups
who are assigned guilt and/or innocence based upon collective identity while
the latter category judges people not by these immutable characteristics but by
their individual pursuit of morality.
This month has offered repeated proof that once again
social collectivism invariably leads to identity politics, tribalism, and
As I mentioned, those who label themselves as progressives
claim to believe that prejudice is a learned behaviour. If that were true what then
can possibly explain the hideous escalation of Anti-Semitism just this past month
alone in the wake of the atrocities committed by Hamas against Israel? Is it
not the left who mysteriously labels anyone with an opinion they do not like as
a NAZI even as they persecute Jews just like the NAZIS? The left’s attachment
to immutable traits in order to assign innocence and guilt has reawakened the basest
tribal instincts of mankind among those who incredibly deny that such instincts
I am certain many of you will have heard of the kafuffle with
Sainte-Marie as to whether she is indeed indigenous. I have also read the
comments of many of her fans in the root’s music scene here in Canada who came to
her defence. Two things I find remarkable about this. Firstly, regarding what
causes her to view her ethnic identity as the most paramount and important
aspect of who she is? If I was to do something similar you would be likely to
read of me constantly harping on about my ancestry. Let me be clear, my
ancestry is of almost no interest to any of you and neither should it be. Why
is it then that as soon as one identifies as a member of an ostensibly oppressed
minority that this becomes the most important thing that ought to be used to
judge that person to determine the value of their character or of their
importance as a musical artist? Secondly, I read of her using the phrase “my
truth”. How on earth could her truth be different from anyone else’s truth
since if it is true then it is equally true to everyone not merely personal to
her? In her own words, 'I know who I am:' Buffy Sainte-Marie calls Indigenous
identity questions hurtful, “To those who question my truth, I say with love, I
know who I am.” Clearly, she assigns herself moral virtue based purely upon
external characteristics that she, indeed no one, has any control over.
This externalizing of the truth to the collective
unconsciousness is a telling characteristic of the radical left. Since their world
view does not align itself with reality it therefore becomes necessary for them
to create a simulacrum of reality which then becomes, “their truth”. This is
where Hegelian Dialectical analysis is employed and I suggest if you are not
familiar with this, that you should watch one of my previous podcast where I
investigate how the Dialectic operates. Obviously, this process requires considerable
faith to believe in something that does not exist since it cannot exist. These
are nothing other than the delusional fantasies of weak minds who cannot handle
living in reality. Furthermore, this detachment from reality causes them to
seek out people who will share in their delusions, which is how the zeitgeist of
ideological possession spread.
Or as evolutionary psychologist and university professor
Dr. Gad Saad puts it, idea pathogens to parasitize the mind. In the words of
Dr. Gad Saad: “I was born in Beirut, Lebanon. We were part of the last group
of Lebanese Jews who had steadfastly refused to leave Lebanon. But when the
Lebanese civil war broke out in 1975—the Lebanese civil war is the standard by
which all butchery is measured against—it became impossible to remain in
Lebanon. So we were there for the first year of the civil war, and then luckily
we were able to escape to Canada.
The most direct way it [shapes my work] is that
it allowed me to see what happens to a society that is instantiating a perfect
ethos of identity politics. In Lebanon, everything is defined by identity
politics. In this case, it was your religious heritage. There's an internal
card in Lebanon, which basically is like an internal passport that states, very
prominently, your religion. And if you were Jewish, they didn't even write
"Jewish," they wrote "Israelite." So it even creates greater
animus against you, even though you've got nothing to do with Israel and you're
Lebanese. So I saw what identity politics does to a society, and to now see it
lauded as a wonderful way to organize society 45 years after I left Lebanon is
quite disheartening.
There's a debate now about who is allowed to
speak about what. Your background allows you, in a way, to speak to our current
moment. But do you agree with the idea that you need to have experienced
something in order to have an opinion on it?
No. People can analyze the Holocaust, even
though they didn't go through it. Oncologists study cancer even though they've
never suffered from it. On some matters, of course, your lived experience adds
one data point to the total narrative. I think in my case, the fact that I do
hold the highest hand in victimology poker, or the gold medal in oppression
Olympics, makes it more difficult for the enemies of reason to use the woke
calculus against me. And so I use that against them, in a somewhat sardonic way,
but in a very effective way, because they don't actually listen to the veracity
of your arguments. Instead, whoever has the greater victimhood wins, and the
reality is it's going to be very tough for most people to defeat me. And so
they end up losing using their grotesque calculus. And so in that sense, I am
pleased to have had my lived experience because it allows me to defeat the
Yes, the world is a battle ground between good and evil.
That battle is essentially ideological since the war is being fought on the academic
front and has spread from its lecture halls into society writ large, hence back
to my first assertion that this category believes the state’s gig is to control
the project of socially engineering society. So, from the Academy the most insidious
doctrines of the species of social collectivism known as WOKE is returning us
to tribalism. From the National Post, dated Oct 16th, entitled; “Canada's
new antisemitism envoy eyes the 'cancerous hate speech' on campuses, social
'Working with communities across Canada, we
must and will promote and support extensive efforts on antisemitism education.
And yes, we will visit the universities'
“Lyons was named to the role Monday morning
during a conference on antisemitism in Ottawa.
She told reporters that her appointment comes
amid “the malignancy growing here, that cancerous hate speech, that desire to
polarize and divide and disrupt and destroy the spirit that is Canada.”’
To those of you who are foolish enough and/or sufficiently
ignorant of the history of social collectivist movements, our universities are responsible
for this incredible return to all the brutish tribalism inherent to those two
great ideological genera of social collectivism known as NAZISM and Communism.
If the two were to fornicate to bear a bastard child, then surely WOKE is their
offspring. Every social collectivist movement of the past resulted in murder,
tyranny, economic ruin, and social disaster. They were based upon the idolatrous
belief that God is dead and that the state therefore must engineer the
perfection of humanity and they did so by murdering Jews while assigning guilt
and innocence purely based upon the immutable characteristics of the identity
group to which each of us belongs.
I am constantly astounded at how unaware people are of
their own moral failings required for them to externalize their own foolish
pride and sin. And there is nothing more prideful than to assume we are born in
a state of innocence. Obviously a newborn baby has not yet sinned but this in
no way negates the fact that sin lives in that baby just waiting to manifest
itself. To my own shame I fully acknowledge my own sins which are so glaringly and
abundantly obvious that I would need to be unconscious to not be fully cognisant
of the fact that I am a miserable sinner whose only hope is the unmerited Grace
of God in Christ Jesus!
So now let us examine what the Scriptures tell us about our
redemptive identity if we choose to come to Christ who is the way, the truth,
and the life.
Galatians 3:26-29
"for in Christ Jesus you are all children of God
through faith. As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed
yourselves with Christ. There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer
slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in
Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s offspring,
heirs according to the promise."
Make Christ your identity for He has nullified all else
when you are united with Him in salvation!
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