Friday, October 6, 2023

Postmodernism is antithetical to enlightened values

The fact that the authorities are trying to take control of online content is proof they are terrified that we will find out how complete the lies they have told us are! Obviously, there is a pattern to the controlling behaviour being employed by our governing elite. They aim to negate and silence any reasoned argument questioning the validity of their arbitrary exercise of illiberal power. They employ several tools aimed at deliberately deconstructing rational and factual argument. Their goal is to silence all criticism which could expose the fallacies used to support their position. Remember that they will use Dialectics in order to justify combining sets of beliefs which on the surface may seem to be incoherent or contradictory. This is where Dialectical Synthesis comes into play to resolve these conflicts. Enter Postmodern Literary Criticism which has been synthesised along with Cultural Marxist Critical Theory, WOKE, Diversity, Equity and Inclusiveness, sexual identity politics, climate catastrophizing, and pathogen scares to create the compelled speech which is needed to force their radical agenda on an unsuspecting public.  

So today I asked Bing AI the following: “How much has postmodern literary criticism affected modern social discourse?”

It replied: “That is a very interesting question. Postmodern literary criticism is a branch of literary theory that challenges the assumptions and methods of modernism, especially those based on Enlightenment rationality, universal truth, and objective reality. Postmodern literary critics often use techniques such as deconstruction, intertextuality, parody, irony, and metafiction to analyze and interpret literary texts, as well as other cultural phenomena. ¹²

Postmodern literary criticism has had a significant impact on modern social discourse, both positively and negatively. On the positive side, postmodern literary criticism has opened up new perspectives and possibilities for understanding and appreciating the diversity and complexity of human experience, culture, and identity. Postmodern literary criticism has also encouraged critical thinking and questioning of dominant narratives, ideologies, and power structures that shape our society and knowledge. Postmodern literary criticism has also fostered creativity and innovation in various fields of art, literature, media, and education. ³⁴

On the negative side, postmodern literary criticism has also been criticized for being obscure, relativistic, nihilistic, and self-referential. Some critics argue that postmodern literary criticism undermines the validity and value of rational inquiry, scientific evidence, moral principles, and historical facts. Postmodern literary criticism has also been accused of promoting cultural fragmentation, moral confusion, political apathy, and social instability. Some critics also contend that postmodern literary criticism is elitist, irrelevant, or even dangerous for the public sphere and democratic society. 

As you can see, postmodern literary criticism has a profound and controversial influence on modern social discourse. It is not easy to measure or evaluate its effects objectively, as different people may have different opinions and experiences of postmodernism. However, I hope this answer gives you some insight into the main arguments and issues surrounding postmodern literary criticism. 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 06/10/2023

(1) Postmodernism - Literary and Critical Theory - Oxford Bibliographies.

(2) Criticism of postmodernism - Wikipedia.

(3) Postmodernism - Wikipedia.

(4) Postmodernism and Its Critics – Anthropology.

Every time I think that we must have reached peak lunacy of the WOKE societal deconstruction being unleashed on us by our unhinged political class, and their trained seals in the metastasising bureaucracy, entire new vistas of bonkers opens before me. I'm reminded of the 12 Step adage that anytime time a family member of an addict thinks that their addicted loved one must have hit rock bottom due to the sheer insanity of their latest ruinous escapade, the bottomless pit of their ongoing self-destructive behaviour will offer proof that there is no low to which they will not go. The addict must choose either sobriety or the ruin of themselves and anyone else who is near enough to them to get dragged down as well.

This is my conclusion concerning our illiberal and authoritarian political elite who are so addicted to power, that either they will choose to receive treatment for their insatiable lust for ever greater control over us or they will drag all of us into the abyss right along with them.

I prefer to think of myself as a heterodox who challenges the irrational and divisive prevailing views of my time since they lack ethical, epistemological, and ontological validity. In this regard I'm following in the footsteps of my dissenting iconoclastic ancestors who detested the mummery of the high church orthodoxy of their day. Today's orthodoxy, however, is far worse than it was since it is incapable of defining the differences between men and women while promoting intersectional victimhood as though it were a virtue.

I choose not to enable their addictions. I will not provide them with the cocaine of my consent, or the crack of my compliance! Let them put that in their pipes and smoke it! No!!! Just say no!!!!


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