Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Totalitarian Oedipal Society


Mojo Willie, the erstwhile joking blues musician, died in Norway in 2014. Every single warning I have been sounding since has proven to be practically prophetic. Two things astound me about that, firstly what I saw that alarmed me anyone paying attention ought to have seen, and secondly how ineffectual the church has been to be the salt of the earth even as Postmodernism and radical Cultural Marxism has utterly undermined the Western World. We stand on the brink of WWIII with a former KGB spy at the head of NATO, a senile Neo-Socialist leading the free world, the Fascistic EU forcing its insane green energy religion on Europeans which has caused war, an energy crisis, and a looming a food shortages, with an utterly incompetent and corrupted UN which is impotent in the face of all of this even as our former ideological enemies of Russia and China are shifting global hegemony towards the East. Yes, this is giggle worthy stuff even as we Westerners argue about which pronouns ought to be used to describe people with gender dysphoria! Indeed, we are screwing ourselves but let us examine together why.

The left brain is useful to examine the known, the finite, the specific, and the particular but it fails to take into account what the right brain knows but cannot express. Why? Because the faculty of speech resides in the left brain. I cannot make this point clear enough for the majority who are unfamiliar with this fact. This is why our ancestors thought metaphorically. They created mythos to describe phenomena that the left-brain cannot accept nor comprehend. Jesus warned His disciples that He came speaking in parables and He did so for good reason, the left brain is certain of what it knows even though that certainty is unjustified. So let us examine metaphorically why Postmodern materialists reject the very ontology which has made the Western World possible while succumbing to the most primitive superstitions. As we examine this keep in mind that the left brain’s function is to act as an emissary to the right hemisphere which does not possess the capacity for speech on its own.

It was the famous psychologist Carl Jung who was one of the first to identify that archetypes exist cross culturally which represent what he described as a part of our inherent collective unconscious.

What are Carl Jung's archetypes?

According to Jung archetypes are patterns that repeat themselves in the collective unconscious of human beings. This could be in the form of dreams, stories, art, or even in myths (including religious ones), which do not seem to have cultural boundaries. These are then seen as universal and thus embody a hereditary factor of the human psyche.

Jung's first findings link the archetypes to one's cognitive, emotional, and behavioural tendencies that make themselves more apparent at certain points in time. However, whether one displays these traits depends largely on the culture that one is raised in.

Carl Jung breaks down this theory in his book "The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious." This publication takes a close look at the collective unconscious which is something shared by all people throughout the history of humanity in this author's opinion. Besides, you will find an analysis of popular stories and other cultural and artistic representations, like the mandala, for example. But for the sake of this discussion, we will focus on two of the archetypes most pertinent to this discussion.

The Father:

The father archetype stands for authority, protection, law, and discipline, just to name a few facets of this figure. Associated with order, dominance, and productivity and in stories, the King often represents this character. A healthy father image manifests itself as the good King and when that archetype is not properly integrated into our personality it will manifest itself as a tyrant. The 20th century has provided us with more than sufficient examples of such in Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc. However, despite all the Postmodern assertion to the opposite this is not what we are seeing today which has become endemic to Western society.

The Mother:

The mother archetype embodies unconditional love, someone who is both nurturing and compassionate. In children's books, this figure often appears in the form of a fairy godmother who has magical powers. The ultimate archetype of the good mother is Mary whose sacrifice was the ultimate one any mother could make even as she watched her innocent and blameless Son betrayed and offered up on the Cross where He who knew no sin became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

On the other hand, the dark side of the matron is the evil stepmother. The witch with the gingerbread house who invites children in to fatten them up to consume them. This is the Oedipal mother. The mother who makes a perverse bargain with her children to keep them in an unhealthy relationship where she feeds off their need of her like a vampire keeping them forever in co-dependent need and incapable of individuating.

This is the Oedipal reality I discovered in Vemork when I realized that Fascism, Communism, and an Oedipal feminized society had created the perfect blending of both major branches of totalitarianism under the kid gloved authoritarianism of an all-encompassing Oedipal State which kept Norwegians in constant co-dependent need. Here I invite you to watch my entire podcast as I speak about why an entire society which represses viewing the world through the necessary metaphorical lens of archetypical imagery will result in the social pathology of mass formation.,-in%20stories%2C%20the%20King%20often%20represents%20this%20character.


Death Spiral - We're in an epidemic of narcissism and bad decision making (with Jordan B. Peterson)


Title: Video titled: Death Spiral - We're in an epidemic of narcissism and bad decision making (with Jordan B. Peterson)








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