Monday, October 31, 2022

Orwell's Memory Holing and lying oligarchs

 “Almost certainly we are moving into an age of totalitarian dictatorships – an age in which freedom of thought will be at first a deadly sin and later on a meaningless abstraction. The autonomous individual is going to be stamped out of existence.” - George Orwell, Inside the Whale

In a Reuters video dated Oct. 31st, 2022, entitled, “Food supplies at risk as Russia quits grains deal” . We find more evidence that failed foreign policies, supply chain mismanagement, and an attack on farming due to insane green energy initiatives are the deliberate courses of action engaged in by today’s world leaders that are resulting in food shortages likely to lead to famine and starvation. 

The following has come to accurately describe life in the Western World today: “The official ideology abounds with contradictions even where there is no practical reason for them…These contradictions are not accidental.” - George Orwell, 1984. 

In that novel Orwell wrote about "memory holing", the process by which memories which do not serve the official narrative are made to disappear as though they never happened. But I remember and for my part will not allow us to forget. So, with apologies to Neil Oliver permit me to paraphrase his succinct and rather brutally honest summary of our current situation where our political class, senior bureaucrats, and their unelected globalist handlers are in fact not only creating the crises that we face but are doing so deliberately to transfer wealth into their hands.

Here I paraphrase Neil, “I have questions about the apparently misfiring memories of those utterly desperate to pretend the last two years never happened or if they did happen that they happened all together differently than I remember. George Orwell wrote about “memory holing” in his novel 1984, the process by which information that no longer helps the official narrative is made to disappear as if it had never existed. 

Just as a for instance they're trying to tell us now that no one ever said the so-called vaccines would prevent the spread of COVID from person to person, but they damn well did say that over and over again! That was the entire basis for the granny killing, selfish COVID abuse directed at those of us who never did and never will submit to those jabs only to claim now that such claims were never made. This is the most blatant and shameless of lies, damned lies, and yet it's pushed on us now by politicians, medical professionals, and mainstream media alike. 

It can only be a matter of time presumably when the numbers of vaccine dead and injured simply get too terrifyingly big to ignore before the same characters will be saying the jabs were voluntary anyway and that it was always and only a matter of personal choice whether you took them or not so don't come crying to me, they'll say in unison!

In Orwell's novel of a dystopian future the totalitarian government of Oceania was constantly at war with one of the other two totalitarian superpowers that dominated the world, Eurasia and Eastasia. It wasn't ever about winning or ending the war but rather maintaining a constant state of war in order to keep the citizens under control. Every citizen had to memory hole what each knew to be true and just accept the latest version of reality. Orwell called this double think!”, end paraphrased quote his podcast may be heard at the following link:

The purpose of this all-encompassing program of psychological warfare is to bewilder the mind of the average citizen. For when the citizen is bombarded with contradictions and lies and lives in what Orwell called “that shifting phantasmagoric world in which black may be white tomorrow and yesterday’s weather can be changed by decree”, he or she eventually ceases to know what to think, or even how to think. The distinction between up and down, fact and fiction, truth, and falsity, is not only blurred, but loses significance. The belief in objective truth disappears, and the average citizen becomes completely dependent on authority figures to feed him ideas, and thus, is ready to assent to lies and to believe the most absurd things – so long as those in the political class deem it to be true.

And that is exactly what life has become under Justin Trudeau where, “…the totalitarian state…sets up unquestionable dogmas, and it alters them from day to day. It needs the dogmas, because it needs absolute obedience from its subjects, but it cannot avoid the changes, which are dictated by the needs of power politics.” - George Orwell, Literature and Totalitarianism

Wasn’t that fun? Obviously not. I take no pleasure in creating these podcasts but am compelled to do so. Why? I am reminded of John 8:36 (KJV) “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” It is for freedom that Christ has set us free, so do not submit yourselves again to a yoke of bondage! Our oligarchical class of faux moralizing Besservissers do not wish to save the planet, they wish to offer you as sacrifices to their false gods. They are idolators so have nothing to do with their idolatry. I think it is time we offer the Truth as sacred sacrifices to defeat the false god of lies these oligarchs serve by exposing at every possible opportunity the nature of their lies and the perversity of those who tell them!  

Sunday, October 30, 2022

How many are noticing the shift in the official narrative?


The greatest commonly held fallacy of our age is the belief that the state is more honest and less self serving than private enterprise. Mixed economies where the State is deep in bed with multinational conglomerates have created the most corrupt economies of all time. Mixed economies place the State and private industries in an unholy alliance where they serve one another's interests rather than that of the public. Failed COVID policies are the direct result of the marriage of enormous multinational conglomerates like Pfizer BioNTech and Western governments. We even have good reason to suspect that Pfizer BioNTech's presence at Ground Zero of the outbreak in Wuhan may well have something to do with gain of function research conducted in full cooperation with the CCP. The CCP understands this fully and uses influence peddling to buy corrupt Western leaders who are selling out their own countries' interests to the Communist Chinese!


The belief that private enterprise free of state interference is immoral because of its inherent greed is simple another way of restating the old socialist fallacy that Capitalism is evil. By the same reasoning the belief that the Socialist State is free from greed making it morally superior demonstrates an utter ignorance of Socialism in practice. Socialism has murdered hundreds of millions and oppressed countless millions more while Capitalism is based upon uncoerced voluntary exchange where all parties benefit from said exchange otherwise those parties would no longer engage in doing business. When the State coerces people to use an untested product at the tax payers' expense, specifically an unproven vaccine, by making it impossible to keep your employment and travel without it, the State is engaging in tyranny. This also doesn't take into account the side effects of the vaccine which have led to many medical issues including heart disease. The form of Socialism resulting from State and private industry combining to form a cooperative entity which doesn't answer to the people whose products and services we are forced to use is properly called Fascism! Words matter. Let's get our semantics straight. We are being railroaded against our will!

Saturday, October 29, 2022

What actually imposes an existential threat to humanity, the climate or our leaders?


When virtue signalling utopians are leaving the dispossessed and marginalized to face unspeakable suffering due to their unworkable energy policies a thinking and caring person must ask, what actually imposes an existential threat to humanity?

In an article entitled, “Eco-extremists are leading the world towards despair, poverty, and starvation: Utopian solutions for saving the planet are doomed to failure - and worse. We must wake up before it is too late” Dr. Jordan B. Peterson makes his case that “This winter, millions of British citizens, including children, will be tipped, or dumped, into energy poverty severe enough to risk permanent damage to their health. Cold, damp houses provide the perfect breeding ground for mould that not only causes respiratory distress, but renders houses essentially unlivable once established....”

Never in the history of mankind have the leaders of the Western world marched so blindly in lockstep while pursuing climate goals which are totally unfounded in the Laws of Nature. The very laws which the scientific method tells us governs thermodynamics. Given the fact that there is no such thing as a free lunch and that there are inevitable biproducts of the conversion of matter into energy, our leaders are pursuing is an unscientific dream. Moreover, why do so few among us question their reasoning? How has humanity come to trust them so blindly, particularly since their COVID policies have done far more damage to public health, education, social well-being, and the economy than their attempts to mitigate the virus proved to be effective?

 I have the following three thoughts on that matter. Why blind obedience and cowardice are synonymous:

i): If maintaining your commitment to freedom against tyranny and the lies upon which tyranny is founded hasn't cost you dearly then you're living a lie.

ii): Any attempt to defray or avoid the consequences of standing up for the truth is nothing other than cowardice.

iii): If you are unwilling to risk causing offense to people living in a delusion then you're participating in that delusion.

When we were made to read dystopian novels about social collectivism in grade 13, I couldn't believe that people were capable of thinking as described in said novels. Therefore, I thought that I would never see the fulfilment of that pathological thinking in my lifetime. Boy was I wrong! But I can go further still, I am seeing my own family members and friends swayed by idea pathogens which over 50 years ago our teachers had warned us would lead to cultural genocide and societal ruin!

So, we see so-called Progressives labelling Conservatives and Classical Liberals as reactionary and, yes, we do react as their failing policies nibble away like piranhas at the very foundations of peace, order, and good government! This fall a diesel shortage is looming which could cripple the supply chain. You ain't seen nothing yet kids as our ideologically possessed leaders engage in policies which are most damaging to the marginalized and dispossessed as well as to elderly pensioners on fixed incomes, people like me for instance!

How has such blatant incompetence come to dominate the political landscape on a global scale? Where are the statesmen of today? I have some confidence that my own MP and now CPC leader Pierre Poilievre has the making of a statesman but that remains to be seen given his initial reaction to COVID and his support of draconian COVID measures. He supported giving financial aid to workers who were unnecessarily deprived of employment due to the government’s failed lockdown policies. Therefore, even he was taken in by the panic without questioning the ancillary affects that the lockdown would have, particularly to our children, as well as to those who were in need of critical medical care which became impossible for them to receive during the lockdown, not to mention the horrendous damage to small businesses who were disastrously impacted. If the government had planned to destroy small businesses, they could not have done a better job. Which only leads me to conclude that was their plan. Build back better indeed.

But why do our leaders hate the small entrepreneur? Because they do not control them. How many of our elected leaders have ever successfully operated a business? How many have started a business to run it at a profit in a competitive market? Most are ideologues who lack any real-world experience. Western society appears to be at war with competence itself, which is why we are being governed, or perhaps more accurately lorded over, by an incompetent cadre of power mongers whose sole achievement is to march in blind, ignorant lockstep with one another. Never in human history have our leaders collectively failed humanity so completely, or held office solely based upon their ideological possession. We are witnessing the fulfilment of Dr. Gad Saad 's warning in his bestselling book, "The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense"!

So here is a real-world example on a micro-cosmal scale, my wife served as a city councillor in Moss, Norway. During her time in office, she constantly battled with envious socialists who wanted everything to be funded by the state. They detested the very notion of anyone in private business making “et øre” (the smallest Norwegian coin value) by supplying the public with an alternative to state funded services. Why? Envy of course! The war on competence, the free market, capitalism, individual liberty, indeed freedom itself is due to envy.

So let us examine the tenth commandment on covetousness:

“Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house; thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.” ~ Exodus 20:17

In Colossians 3:5 Paul stated, “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry”.

It is my concerted opinion that the ideological possession of this Postmodern age is driven by envy and covetousness. The incompetent class of leader we have chosen covets what does not belong to them. Since they are incapable of operating a business for themselves and creating their own wealth, they covet the wealth of others. They don’t care about WOKE. They do not care about the environment. They view life as a zero-sum game. Their failed COVID policies have resulted in the single greatest transference of wealth in human history, yet this is still insufficient to satiate their covetous lust for what does not belong to them. They are using climate catastrophising to complete the job even as they seek to gain control of all the resources required to manufacture goods and services as well as to grow crops and grain and raise livestock. The result if they succeed will be ruin on a global scale with the marginalized and dispossessed bearing the brunt of their malfeasance and greed.

So, it is up to us to expose this for what it is, idolatry. If your stance in defending the truth is not costing you anything, then you are not standing up in defence of the truth. Trudeau has never accomplished anything other than to transfer the public’s money into his own pockets while engaging in policies so disastrous that it will take this country decades to pay off the debt his malfeasance and corruption has caused. He has attacked the very foundations of liberty under law. He has refused to address why he used an overreach of power to declare martial law and confiscate the bank accounts of people who had very legal and legitimate concerns over his government’s travel mandates and discriminating COVID policies. He has ignored our Charter guaranteed liberties. While in London he spent six grand a night on his hotel room as an example of his misuse of public money. In my opinion Trudeau is a wicked, covetous, ideologically possessed idolator whose every policy has accomplished the diametric opposite of what he claimed that they would.

Watching the spectacle of the deposition to discover a constitutionally legitimate reason for the use of martial law to end the Freedom Convoy is a sight to behold. Those being deposed seem to be more interested in saving their skin while finding reasons to protect Trudeau. One thing is certain, not one of those being deposed has offered sufficient evidence for such an unprecedented declaration of martial law over an otherwise almost entirely peaceful protest. Crime actually went down during the time the Freedom Convoy was here not to mention the fact that they were feeding the homeless. No one went hungry who was downtown during their stay here even as the cabinet denied Liberal MP’s permission to speak with the protestors in order to properly address their legitimate concerns. Concern which has since born out in the fact that the government subsequently shortly thereafter lifted the mandates.

So, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

“Therefore, put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.

“In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” ~ Ephesians 6:10-18

It is the godless and idolatrous gospel of envy practiced by leaders like Trudeau, for incredibly he is not alone but rather indicative of this Postmodern political landscape, who pose an existential threat to human dignity and wellbeing. And those who are about to suffer most are the marginalized and disenfranchised that these lying covetous idolators claim to care so much about. As for myself, I ask God to arm me for conflict because I am fully confident that the worst is yet to come. I will prepare to do battle for Truth to prevail, for “You armed me with strength for battle; you humbled my adversaries before me." ~ Psalm 18:39






Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Yet another attack on Anglophones led by Quebec Separatists!


Separatist Members of Parliament who are in open rebellion against the Dominion of Canada seek to undo our connections to mother country (which are purely ceremonial by the way) even though they have the gall to call Quebec a separate nation within Canada! Can you imagine the outrage if Anglophone Canadians were to do the same?

Saturday, October 22, 2022

RE: The farcical hearings in Ottawa


Everything those who are controlling the hearings do have but one goal, namely, to advance the Cultural Marxist Revolution. Contradictions are an essential part of that process since belief in the revolution must supersede belief in demonstrable fact. This is an undeniable truth that anyone who has studied Marxism ought to know. Up is down, left is right, male is female, national borders mean nothing, the Rule of Law is whatever those in charge of the State run apparatus say it is now. If you understand these fundamental truths, you'll understand why the hearings taking place at present in the grossly dysfunctional city of Ottawa have found no evidence that the Freedom Convoy posed a threat to the nation's capital. They fully intend that there ought not to be anything but innuendo and false allegations because those are the only things which can further the Cultural Marxist Revolution!

Has anyone noticed that when Freedom lovers protest, they don't damage anything yet when climate change activists protest, they tear things down, destroy precious paintings and statues, and blow-up pipelines? Notice that our government does nothing to condemn violent activists while condemning people who love liberty for demanding nothing other than the government follow the rule of law. Therefore, it is obvious that the only thing that our government favours is an attack on the rule of law because it is the law which poses a challenge to their absolutism!

But I'll take it far further than that. The left versus right political divide is an inheritance of the French Revolution where those who believed the executive branch of government was supreme sat to the right of the King and those who believed a National Assembly had the right to veto the King sat to his left. That would make most conservatives and libertarians radical leftists. So let us clarify our terminology since virtually every bad idea is French and frankly that continues to affect Canadian politics. Let's face it, the French detest the Westminster Parliamentary System, Anglophone Canadians, and the Rule of English Common Law.

The truth needs to be stated, radical Quebecois like Trudeau hate us. They have never forgiven us for defeating them on the Plains of Abraham. Yet after this defeat they were permitted to keep their culture intact. A far better deal than they have given us given their constant attack on Anglophone Canadians. They were allowed to keep the form of feudalism known as the seigneurial system which was an institutional form of land distribution established in New France in 1627 which wasn’t officially abolished until 1854. In New France, 80 per cent of the population lived in rural areas governed by this system of land distribution and occupation. They also were permitted to pay tithes to the Roman Church. They were permitted to keep their language intact and all their cultural traditions and holidays. Despite this they have the unmitigated gall to declare themselves a separate nation within the Dominion of Canada. If Anglos were to do the same there would be outrage. Face it, Canada's problem is French. It is the reason that oil rich provinces are despised by the Laurentian Elite and the powerful Quebecois interests who sit in our national parliament as avowed separatists. 

Radical socialism’s foremost characteristics are greed, resentment, and envy! I repeat my assertion from yesterday, Quebec traded its love of and domination by the Roman Church for the love of statism and total state control. So, should we be surprised they attempt to undermine the rest of the Canadian economy while at the same time demand enormous reparations be paid to their province? And so, until these essential contradictions are addressed, the Cultural Marxist Revolution marches on unabated as the nation panders to the radicals in the Laurentian Consensus.

As noted British Conservative Dr. David Starkey now famously asserted: “All bad ideas are French. It is an absolute principle of human existence. From David Starkey on The Brendan O Neill Show: Moreover the Bolshevik Revolution was nothing other than an attempt to complete the process begun by the French Revolution where an never ending revolution is the entire point since the realization of their utopian dreams always lie somewhere over the horizon. Constant destabilizing of established order is how the revolution avows to advance itself. Postmodernism and Cultural Marxism are merely steps along the path to utter totalitarian despotic control of humanity.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Does Trudeau fancy he is another Louis the XVI?


Canada’s Louis the XVI moment:

"All bad ideas are French. It is an absolute principle of human existence." ~ David Starkey on The Brendan O'Neill Show:

What happens when the elite ignores the 3rd Estate is a lesson which every Frenchman, Englishman, and American ought to know! Louis the XVI was in favour of reform but his hatred of the British led him to borrow money to fund the American Revolution which required him to tax the nobility, something they refused to tolerate since they weren't about to forgo their privilege. This resulted in dumping the debt via taxation onto the 3rd Estate, namely the common person who was already suffering due to recession and inflation. When the elite dismissed them ‘en masse’ they formed a national assembly and demanded a constitution which would force the elite to answer to the people, making the French Revolution an inevitability.

For over a century the palace of Versailles was home to the most powerful family in Europe. Versailles was known for lavish entertainment, passionate love affairs, and outrageous scandals. While a lucky few danced, feasted, and flirted their days away, the state was on the brink of collapse. Outside those gilded gates millions of ordinary people were taxed to the hilt while rich nobles paid virtually nothing. A new king Louis XVI and his beautiful young Queen Marie Antoinette faced the biggest challenge in the history of their illustrious families to bring fairness to the system and hope to their subjects or face losing their palace, their crowns, and their heads.

In 1775 Versailles celebrated the coronation of a new king and queen. Louis XVI had lived most of his 20 years here surrounded by courtiers and power brokers but like his young Austrian wife, Marie Antoinette, he didn't feel ready to rule. Despite their King's private feelings, the public had high hopes as he was young, and he had a beautiful wife. So, there was everything to expect from the new and hopefully glorious reign of Louis XVI. Louis XVI wanted to rule in the grand manner, he wanted to be an absolute monarch, he wanted to live up to the style of Louis the Great, Louis XIV but interestingly also wanted to rule in a manner which would be popular. To be truly popular Louis knew that he had to govern in the interest of all his people and not just the ones he had grown up with. So, in keeping with the Age of Enlightenment he intended to be a slightly more modern king. He has ambitions to be a just and a philanthropic monarch and he called himself Louis the Bianfa, or Louis the Beneficent. In fact, one of his first decisions was so modern that it quite terrified his courtiers, he had his whole family inoculated against smallpox using a procedure that was experimental and very dangerous. This was something which had raised hairs at the time and people thought, “what will happen if he dies”? In that way the king took the lead, he showed that he could lead with the times and move with the times and that was a promising start to the reign. A promising start yes, but the end wasn’t so promising unless losing one’s head was the promise one hoped to fulfil.

“Before the revolution, French society was divided into three orders or Estates of the Realm – the First Estate (clergy), Second Estate (nobility) and Third Estate (commoners). With around 27 million people, or 98 per cent of France’s population, the Third Estate was by far the largest of the three. Despite this it was politically invisible, unrepresented in and wielding no influence on the government.


As might be expected in such a sizeable group, the Third Estate boasted considerable diversity. There were many different classes and levels of wealth; different professions and ideas; rural, provincial and urban residents alike.

Members of the Third Estate ranged from lowly beggars and struggling peasants to urban artisans and labourers; from the shopkeepers and commercial middle classes to the nation’s wealthiest merchants and capitalists.

Despite the Third Estate’s enormous size and economic importance, it played almost no role in the government or decision-making of the Ancien Regime. The frustrations, grievances and sufferings of the Third Estate became pivotal causes of the French Revolution.

The peasantry

Peasants inhabited the bottom tier of the Third Estate’s social hierarchy. Comprising between 82 and 88 per cent of the population, peasant-farmers were the nation’s poorest social class.

While levels of wealth and income varied, it is reasonable to suggest that most French peasants were poor. A very small percentage of peasants owned land in their own right and were able to live independently as yeoman farmers. The vast majority, however, were either feudal tenants, métayers (tenant sharecroppers who worked someone else’s land) or journaliers (day labourers who sought work where they could find it).

Whatever their personal situation, all peasants were heavily taxed by the state. If they were feudal tenants, peasants were also required to pay dues to their local seigneur or lord. If they belonged to a parish, as most did, they were expected to pay an annual tithe to the church.

These obligations were seldom relaxed, even during difficult periods such as poor harvests, when many peasants were pushed to the brink of starvation.

Urban commoners

Other members of the Third Estate lived and worked in France’s towns and cities. While the 18th century was a period of industrial and urban growth in France, most cities remained comparatively small. There were only nine French cities with a population exceeding 50,000 people. Paris, with around 650,000, was by far the largest.

Most commoners in the towns and cities made a living as merchants, skilled artisans or unskilled workers. Artisans worked in industries like textiles and clothing manufacture, upholstery and furniture, clock making, locksmithing, leather goods, carriage making and repair, carpentry and masonry.

A few artisans operated their own business but most worked for large firms or employers. Before doing business or gaining employment, an artisan had to belong to the guild that managed and regulated his particular industry.

Unskilled labourers worked as servants, cleaners, hauliers, water carriers, washerwomen, hawkers – in short, anything that did not require training or membership of a guild. Many Parisians, perhaps as many as 80,000 people, had no job at all: they survived by begging, scavenging, petty crime or prostitution.

The difficult 1780s

The lives of urban workers became increasingly difficult in the 1780s. Parisian workers toiled for meagre wages: between 30 and 60 sous a day for skilled labourers and 15-20 sous a day for the unskilled. Wages rose by around 20 per cent in the 25 years before 1789, however prices and rents increased by 60 per cent in the same period.

The poor harvests of 1788-89 pushed Parisian workers to the brink by driving up bread prices. In early 1789, the price of a four-pound loaf of bread in Paris increased from nine sous to 14.5 sous, almost a full day’s pay for most unskilled labourers.

Low pay and high food prices were compounded by the miserable living conditions in Paris. Accommodation in the capital was so scarce that workers and their families crammed into shared attics and dirty tenements, most rented from unscrupulous landlords.

With rents running at several sous a day, most workers economised by sharing accommodation. Many rooms housed between six and ten people, though 12 to 15 per room was not unknown. Conditions in these tenements were cramped, unhygienic and uncomfortable. There was no heating, plumbing or common ablutions. The toilet facilities were usually an outside cesspit or open sewer while water was fetched by hand from communal wells.

Not all members of the Third Estate were impoverished. At the apex of the Third Estate’s social hierarchy was the bourgeoisie or capitalist middle classes.

The bourgeoisie were business owners and professionals with enough wealth to live comfortably. As with the peasantry, there was also diversity within their ranks.

The so-called petit bourgeoisie (‘petty’ or ‘small bourgeoisie‘) were small-scale traders, landlords, shopkeepers and managers. The haute bourgeoisie (‘high bourgeoisie‘) were wealthy merchants and traders, colonial landholders, industrialists, bankers and financiers, tax farmers and trained professionals, such as doctors and lawyers.

The bourgeoisie flourished during the 1700s, due in part to France’s economic growth, modernisation, increased production, imperial expansion and foreign trade. The haute bourgeoisie rose from the middle classes to become independently wealthy, well-educated and ambitious.

Political aspirations

As their wealth increased so did their desire for social status and political representation. Many bourgeoisies craved entry into the Second Estate. They had money to acquire the costumes and grand residences of the noble classes but lacked their titles, privileges, and prestige. 

A system of venality evolved that allowed the wealthiest of the bourgeoisie to buy their way into the nobility, though by the 1780s this was becoming more difficult and frightfully expensive.

The thwarted social and political ambitions of the bourgeoisie led to considerable frustration. The haute bourgeoisie had become the economic masters of the nation, yet government and policy remained the domain of the royalty and their noble favourites.

The revolutionary bourgeoisie

Many educated bourgeoisie found solace in Enlightenment tracts, which challenged the foundation of monarchical power and argued that government should be representative, accountable and based on popular sovereignty.

When Emmanuel Sieyes published What is the Third Estate? in January 1789, it struck a chord with the self-important bourgeoisie, many of whom believed themselves entitled to a hand in government.

What is the Third Estate? was not the only expression of this idea; there was a flood of similar pamphlets and essays around the nation in early 1789. When these documents spoke of the Third Estate, however, they referred chiefly to the bourgeoisie – not to France’s 22 million rural peasants, landless labourers or urban workers.

When the bourgeoisie dreamed of representative government, it was a government that represented the propertied classes only. The peasants and urban workers were politically invisible to the bourgeoisie – just as the bourgeoisie was itself politically invisible to the Ancien Régime.”

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

We know they are lying; they know they are lying

There is a very grave yet popular misconception that citizens are unparticipating victims of authoritarian government and that they played no role in creating their tyrannical leaders, yet the diametric opposite is true. There is not a single oppressive regime which has ever existed which didn't reflect the Zeitgeist of the people, not one. Which is why the prevalent Postmodern idea that all societies are of equal value and moral integrity is utter nonsense. And the proof that Postmodernists do not believe their own rhetoric is provided by the fact that they invariably label our culture as a patriarchal tyranny, a tyranny which only their WOKE social justice can address. They aim to accomplish this via a glib sleight of hand by handily ignoring the fact that the West has created the freest, most upwardly mobile, prosperous, and just societies which have ever existed in the entire recorded history of humanity. 

My ancestors, yes, those who represent the white patriarchal tyranny that Postmodernists despise, were very wary of unrestrained immigration because they understood this principle fundamentally. Our immigration policies are the result of women gaining political clout who were far too soft hearted to understand that adults are not victims but rather participants in their own demise. Treating adults as though they are helpless children serves to create a very unhealthy and co-dependent society. It is also a complete denial of the very principles upon which English Common Law was founded, namely justice based upon the blind equality and accountability of all under the law. Until people who believe in an all-powerful state realize that the state has become the Oedipal mother busily building a gingerbread house to fatten its citizens for the state’s consumption and moreover that every citizen has participated in the making and baking of said house, there cannot be a solution to our cultural crisis.

Therefore, allow me to establish a base line for reasoned discussion about the nature of peace, order, and good government. These things are founded upon the three fundamental rights of life, liberty, and property! Anything which infringes on these fundamental rights spells the death of upward mobility and personal autonomy. The first victim of said infringement will invariably be the dispossessed, the very class of citizen that Postmodernists and Cultural Marxists claim to care so much about. This is why it is critical for me to explain why they mean nothing of what they say. They do not care about social justice. They do not care about green energy or net zero. They do not care about social progress. They do not care about the economy. They do not care about LGBTIQQ etc., unless it is used to undermine the nuclear family which is the very bedrock of society. No, they are glib. Their complete and utter glibness reveals the one thing they actually do care about, namely maintaining power at all costs and by any means necessary. 

The background for this takedown of limited, constitutional government in Canada has a long and complicated history but for the sake of brevity permit me to sum this decline up. Quebec was dominated by the Catholic Church well into the late fifties on into the early sixties when the authoritarian control of the Roman religion was exchanged for a love of big government when the state became the new religion of the Quebecois. This process was encouraged by a well to do class of professional politician known as the Laurentian Consensus who recognized this would provide the Liberal Party of Canada access to a continuing hold on power. The current flag of Canada is nothing other than nor less than the stamp of the LPC on the nation’s identity. 

Under LPC leadership our borders have been opened to accept immigrants from war torn nations with little to no historical attachment to or understanding of constitutionally limited liberal democracy. These immigrants invariably have voted for ever bigger government out of some perverse attachment to the kind of statism which had made their lives intolerable in their countries of origin. At the same time our economy has been manipulated through state control to make it virtually impossible to have one sole breadwinner per household thereby forcing women into the job market leaving tiny tots under the care of state funded day-care and schooling. This process was also accompanied by sexual liberation and abortion on demand. Ironically the state then claimed there were insufficient Canadians entering the workforce which only drove increased immigration while doing little to ensure immigrants were being assimilated into the Canadian way of life. The result of this failure has been an increase in crime as well as a form of ghettoization where immigrant communities have flocked together to keep as much of the culture they had left behind intact. Since these communities invariably view the LPC as sympathetic to their way of life they support the LPC’s ever increasing statism. Simultaneously these efforts were supported whole heartedly by the NDP whose only criticism of the LPC has been that the Liberal Party had not gone far enough in expanding the size of the state and its control over its citizens via expanding social welfare programs and bureaucratic gatekeepers. 

It goes without saying this left conservativism outside of mainstream politics which is why the LPC has dominated Canada’s Zeitgeist. This has resulted in the version of conservativism under the CPC to do two things which are utterly contradictory to conservative principles; firstly, to pander to progressivism, secondly, accommodating communities that are socially conservative such as Islam while ignoring the one community which most closely aligns with the party’s values, dare I say it, the Anglophone Canadian.

Yes, there, I said it, the very thing that the CPC cannot even admit. Even as Quebec declares itself as a distinct nation within Canada. This is the reason so many Canadians are disillusioned by Ottawa. Ottawa not only forgot about us, but it also despises us! It hasn’t answered to Anglophones in years while at the same time has had the temerity to call us names, label us as intolerant bigots, and destroy the very economy that we and our fathers and mothers worked so diligently and forthrightly to build. Anglophones have grown disgusted by Ottawa’s pandering to an unworkable ideology which is eroding the very foundations of peace, order, and good government upon which this nation was founded. We will take out country back from ideologues who have begun to practice a species of authoritarianism that our fathers were sent off to war to fight and die to end. Since the elitist Laurentian Consensus has brought the fight to our backyards, I can assure you that this is a patch of grass that many Canadians will be willing to die to preserve as a Canada we can recognise! 

I am reminded of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s now famous quote regarding the former Soviet Union, “We know they are lying; they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.” His book the Gulag Archipelago made it impossible for all but the murderous to believe in social collectivism’s profane ideology. It is incumbent upon each and every one of us to inform the so-called great and the good, our Postmodern Cultural Elite, the Globalists, and the Laurentian Consensus that we will no longer participate in their lies but will use every means at our disposal to expose them. I pledge myself before Almighty God never again to bargain in the lies told to us by people who label us as conspiracy theorists for seeing through their lies. They know we are not conspiracy theorists; we know they know we are not conspiracy theorists; we know they know we know that is all a lie, and they know we see right through them, yet they still keep mislabelling us while hiding behind a faux screen of fake virtue signalling!

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Why are the ignorant so confident in their delusion?

 We live in a time when the critical answers to the great questions of today are not only never forthcoming, but you'll also get fired for asking these very questions that the state refuses to answer. The authorities have created the perfect damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. 

Of course, to remedy this situation we first need to ask the correct questions in an atmosphere where determining the root causes of our problems is the actual goal. Sadly, this is not the case. 

Anecdotal tale of ignorance and bliss. (You need to watch my podcast to hear this)

The EU's vaccine purchases are being investigated 

The EU's joint prosecution has opened an investigation into the European Commission's procurement of corona vaccines worth billions of euros. 

- This exceptional confirmation comes after there has been extremely great public interest, says a brief statement from the EU prosecution office EPPO on Friday. 

- No further details will be released at this stage, adds the EPPO. 

It is unclear what or who is the target of the investigation. 

The European Commission has negotiated and fulfilled contracts for several hundred million vaccine doses on behalf of the EU. The 27 member states themselves have been responsible for purchasing the vaccines from the EU's central warehouses. 

Norway has also participated in the EU's vaccine cooperation and has gained access to corona vaccines for the Norwegian population through an agreement with the EU. 

Text messages 

An agreement with Biontech/Pfizer to purchase 1.8 billion doses from spring 2021 has been the subject of particular public attention. The value of the agreement was estimated at the time to be 35 billion euros. 

The New York Times has written that personal contact between Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen was necessary to nail the deal. 

Journalists have not been given access to text messages exchanged between the two, despite requests for public access. 

Investigates, among other things, corruption 

A spokesperson for the European Commission tells the AFP news agency that all questions must be directed to the EPPO, as it is an independent prosecuting authority. 

- With regard to the SMS case, I would like to emphasize that the president did not negotiate the contracts, adds the spokesperson. 

The EPPO was opened in 2021 with headquarters in Luxembourg. The body is authorized to investigate and bring to court cases concerning crime where the EU budget is involved, for example cases involving corruption or misuse of EU funds. 

So far, 83 percent of the EU's population has been fully vaccinated against covid-19.


Why the reactionary left is at war with Trump

  Our present cultural dilemma: Clickbait noun ˈklik-ˌbāt: something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hype...