Saturday, October 29, 2022

What actually imposes an existential threat to humanity, the climate or our leaders?


When virtue signalling utopians are leaving the dispossessed and marginalized to face unspeakable suffering due to their unworkable energy policies a thinking and caring person must ask, what actually imposes an existential threat to humanity?

In an article entitled, “Eco-extremists are leading the world towards despair, poverty, and starvation: Utopian solutions for saving the planet are doomed to failure - and worse. We must wake up before it is too late” Dr. Jordan B. Peterson makes his case that “This winter, millions of British citizens, including children, will be tipped, or dumped, into energy poverty severe enough to risk permanent damage to their health. Cold, damp houses provide the perfect breeding ground for mould that not only causes respiratory distress, but renders houses essentially unlivable once established....”

Never in the history of mankind have the leaders of the Western world marched so blindly in lockstep while pursuing climate goals which are totally unfounded in the Laws of Nature. The very laws which the scientific method tells us governs thermodynamics. Given the fact that there is no such thing as a free lunch and that there are inevitable biproducts of the conversion of matter into energy, our leaders are pursuing is an unscientific dream. Moreover, why do so few among us question their reasoning? How has humanity come to trust them so blindly, particularly since their COVID policies have done far more damage to public health, education, social well-being, and the economy than their attempts to mitigate the virus proved to be effective?

 I have the following three thoughts on that matter. Why blind obedience and cowardice are synonymous:

i): If maintaining your commitment to freedom against tyranny and the lies upon which tyranny is founded hasn't cost you dearly then you're living a lie.

ii): Any attempt to defray or avoid the consequences of standing up for the truth is nothing other than cowardice.

iii): If you are unwilling to risk causing offense to people living in a delusion then you're participating in that delusion.

When we were made to read dystopian novels about social collectivism in grade 13, I couldn't believe that people were capable of thinking as described in said novels. Therefore, I thought that I would never see the fulfilment of that pathological thinking in my lifetime. Boy was I wrong! But I can go further still, I am seeing my own family members and friends swayed by idea pathogens which over 50 years ago our teachers had warned us would lead to cultural genocide and societal ruin!

So, we see so-called Progressives labelling Conservatives and Classical Liberals as reactionary and, yes, we do react as their failing policies nibble away like piranhas at the very foundations of peace, order, and good government! This fall a diesel shortage is looming which could cripple the supply chain. You ain't seen nothing yet kids as our ideologically possessed leaders engage in policies which are most damaging to the marginalized and dispossessed as well as to elderly pensioners on fixed incomes, people like me for instance!

How has such blatant incompetence come to dominate the political landscape on a global scale? Where are the statesmen of today? I have some confidence that my own MP and now CPC leader Pierre Poilievre has the making of a statesman but that remains to be seen given his initial reaction to COVID and his support of draconian COVID measures. He supported giving financial aid to workers who were unnecessarily deprived of employment due to the government’s failed lockdown policies. Therefore, even he was taken in by the panic without questioning the ancillary affects that the lockdown would have, particularly to our children, as well as to those who were in need of critical medical care which became impossible for them to receive during the lockdown, not to mention the horrendous damage to small businesses who were disastrously impacted. If the government had planned to destroy small businesses, they could not have done a better job. Which only leads me to conclude that was their plan. Build back better indeed.

But why do our leaders hate the small entrepreneur? Because they do not control them. How many of our elected leaders have ever successfully operated a business? How many have started a business to run it at a profit in a competitive market? Most are ideologues who lack any real-world experience. Western society appears to be at war with competence itself, which is why we are being governed, or perhaps more accurately lorded over, by an incompetent cadre of power mongers whose sole achievement is to march in blind, ignorant lockstep with one another. Never in human history have our leaders collectively failed humanity so completely, or held office solely based upon their ideological possession. We are witnessing the fulfilment of Dr. Gad Saad 's warning in his bestselling book, "The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense"!

So here is a real-world example on a micro-cosmal scale, my wife served as a city councillor in Moss, Norway. During her time in office, she constantly battled with envious socialists who wanted everything to be funded by the state. They detested the very notion of anyone in private business making “et øre” (the smallest Norwegian coin value) by supplying the public with an alternative to state funded services. Why? Envy of course! The war on competence, the free market, capitalism, individual liberty, indeed freedom itself is due to envy.

So let us examine the tenth commandment on covetousness:

“Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house; thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.” ~ Exodus 20:17

In Colossians 3:5 Paul stated, “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry”.

It is my concerted opinion that the ideological possession of this Postmodern age is driven by envy and covetousness. The incompetent class of leader we have chosen covets what does not belong to them. Since they are incapable of operating a business for themselves and creating their own wealth, they covet the wealth of others. They don’t care about WOKE. They do not care about the environment. They view life as a zero-sum game. Their failed COVID policies have resulted in the single greatest transference of wealth in human history, yet this is still insufficient to satiate their covetous lust for what does not belong to them. They are using climate catastrophising to complete the job even as they seek to gain control of all the resources required to manufacture goods and services as well as to grow crops and grain and raise livestock. The result if they succeed will be ruin on a global scale with the marginalized and dispossessed bearing the brunt of their malfeasance and greed.

So, it is up to us to expose this for what it is, idolatry. If your stance in defending the truth is not costing you anything, then you are not standing up in defence of the truth. Trudeau has never accomplished anything other than to transfer the public’s money into his own pockets while engaging in policies so disastrous that it will take this country decades to pay off the debt his malfeasance and corruption has caused. He has attacked the very foundations of liberty under law. He has refused to address why he used an overreach of power to declare martial law and confiscate the bank accounts of people who had very legal and legitimate concerns over his government’s travel mandates and discriminating COVID policies. He has ignored our Charter guaranteed liberties. While in London he spent six grand a night on his hotel room as an example of his misuse of public money. In my opinion Trudeau is a wicked, covetous, ideologically possessed idolator whose every policy has accomplished the diametric opposite of what he claimed that they would.

Watching the spectacle of the deposition to discover a constitutionally legitimate reason for the use of martial law to end the Freedom Convoy is a sight to behold. Those being deposed seem to be more interested in saving their skin while finding reasons to protect Trudeau. One thing is certain, not one of those being deposed has offered sufficient evidence for such an unprecedented declaration of martial law over an otherwise almost entirely peaceful protest. Crime actually went down during the time the Freedom Convoy was here not to mention the fact that they were feeding the homeless. No one went hungry who was downtown during their stay here even as the cabinet denied Liberal MP’s permission to speak with the protestors in order to properly address their legitimate concerns. Concern which has since born out in the fact that the government subsequently shortly thereafter lifted the mandates.

So, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

“Therefore, put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.

“In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” ~ Ephesians 6:10-18

It is the godless and idolatrous gospel of envy practiced by leaders like Trudeau, for incredibly he is not alone but rather indicative of this Postmodern political landscape, who pose an existential threat to human dignity and wellbeing. And those who are about to suffer most are the marginalized and disenfranchised that these lying covetous idolators claim to care so much about. As for myself, I ask God to arm me for conflict because I am fully confident that the worst is yet to come. I will prepare to do battle for Truth to prevail, for “You armed me with strength for battle; you humbled my adversaries before me." ~ Psalm 18:39






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