Friday, October 7, 2022

Staying grounded in reality while surrounded by ideological delusion

 In this short podcast I will give you ten reasons why I am an anti-socialist, then add a thought or two on the matter, after which I will direct you to watch a brilliant interview between John Anderson who is the former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia and Victor Davis Hanson in which they discuss the  arrogance of the Postmodern global elite who are placing the Liberal based world order at risk while pursuing ideological nonsense. The careless behaviour of the ruling elite belies their own ideology even as they blame their failings on the rest of us.

My ten reasons for being an anti-socialist are:

i): I'm temperamentally averse to marching in lockstep with others

ii): I cannot subscribe to an ideology which demands that I surrender my autonomy to the State

iii): I cannot subscribe to the premise that life is a zero-sum game

iv): I cannot ignore that socialism's primary doctrine is completely materialistic since redistributing material wealth lies at the core of said doctrine

v): I cannot ignore that making the State responsible for the redistribution of wealth has always and in every instance created a corrupt class of elites who profit unfairly from said redistribution while demonstrating utter disregard for public expenditure 

vi): I cannot ignore the fact that socialism wages war on competence by promoting people based on ideology rather than by ability and expertise

vii): I cannot ignore the fact that socialists show more contempt for the successful and entrepreneurial than they demonstrate genuine sympathy for the dispossessed

viii): I cannot ignore the fact that the dispossessed fair far better in a free market economy with competition than in tightly regulated markets

ix): I cannot ignore the fact that socialism expands the size of the State and its control over us via an ever expanding and wasteful bureaucracy thereby robbing those who produce by giving resources to the non-productive

x): I cannot ignore the fact that socialism's essential juju is one of control rather than of the much-touted liberation the ideology espouses

Socialism is therefore a materialistic denial of the spiritual which has resulted in a rejection of the empirical causing man to embrace the delusional. 

These statements of facts reveal to us why chromosomes are no longer considered to define sexuality and why people like me who believe in personal autonomy, individual accountability, and free markets are labelled as Fascists by those Neo-Totalitarians who normalize gender dysphoria and insist that the State controlling and regulating the economy to death is somehow Anti-Fascist. 

This, my dears, is the fulfilment of a mass formation of psychosis and it is on full display for all to see.

In this clip, historian Professor Victor Davis Hanson describes the long tradition of elite ideologues who control the decisions of individuals. Hanson argues being grounded in reality by understanding the limits of human nature in a tragic world is the solution to being governed by utopian ideology.

Victor Davis Hanson describes the moral hypocrisy of the elite-left, and how they use power and influence to control the middle and lower classes. This comes at a time when the wealthy pollute far more than the average citizen, but justify their actions anyway, while piling blame on everyone else. 

Watch the full episode here:

Professor Victor Davis Hanson is an American classicist, military historian, columnist, and farmer. He has been a commentator on contemporary politics for the National Review and The Washington Times and is currently the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution.

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