Tuesday, October 18, 2022

We know they are lying; they know they are lying

There is a very grave yet popular misconception that citizens are unparticipating victims of authoritarian government and that they played no role in creating their tyrannical leaders, yet the diametric opposite is true. There is not a single oppressive regime which has ever existed which didn't reflect the Zeitgeist of the people, not one. Which is why the prevalent Postmodern idea that all societies are of equal value and moral integrity is utter nonsense. And the proof that Postmodernists do not believe their own rhetoric is provided by the fact that they invariably label our culture as a patriarchal tyranny, a tyranny which only their WOKE social justice can address. They aim to accomplish this via a glib sleight of hand by handily ignoring the fact that the West has created the freest, most upwardly mobile, prosperous, and just societies which have ever existed in the entire recorded history of humanity. 

My ancestors, yes, those who represent the white patriarchal tyranny that Postmodernists despise, were very wary of unrestrained immigration because they understood this principle fundamentally. Our immigration policies are the result of women gaining political clout who were far too soft hearted to understand that adults are not victims but rather participants in their own demise. Treating adults as though they are helpless children serves to create a very unhealthy and co-dependent society. It is also a complete denial of the very principles upon which English Common Law was founded, namely justice based upon the blind equality and accountability of all under the law. Until people who believe in an all-powerful state realize that the state has become the Oedipal mother busily building a gingerbread house to fatten its citizens for the state’s consumption and moreover that every citizen has participated in the making and baking of said house, there cannot be a solution to our cultural crisis.

Therefore, allow me to establish a base line for reasoned discussion about the nature of peace, order, and good government. These things are founded upon the three fundamental rights of life, liberty, and property! Anything which infringes on these fundamental rights spells the death of upward mobility and personal autonomy. The first victim of said infringement will invariably be the dispossessed, the very class of citizen that Postmodernists and Cultural Marxists claim to care so much about. This is why it is critical for me to explain why they mean nothing of what they say. They do not care about social justice. They do not care about green energy or net zero. They do not care about social progress. They do not care about the economy. They do not care about LGBTIQQ etc., unless it is used to undermine the nuclear family which is the very bedrock of society. No, they are glib. Their complete and utter glibness reveals the one thing they actually do care about, namely maintaining power at all costs and by any means necessary. 

The background for this takedown of limited, constitutional government in Canada has a long and complicated history but for the sake of brevity permit me to sum this decline up. Quebec was dominated by the Catholic Church well into the late fifties on into the early sixties when the authoritarian control of the Roman religion was exchanged for a love of big government when the state became the new religion of the Quebecois. This process was encouraged by a well to do class of professional politician known as the Laurentian Consensus who recognized this would provide the Liberal Party of Canada access to a continuing hold on power. The current flag of Canada is nothing other than nor less than the stamp of the LPC on the nation’s identity. 

Under LPC leadership our borders have been opened to accept immigrants from war torn nations with little to no historical attachment to or understanding of constitutionally limited liberal democracy. These immigrants invariably have voted for ever bigger government out of some perverse attachment to the kind of statism which had made their lives intolerable in their countries of origin. At the same time our economy has been manipulated through state control to make it virtually impossible to have one sole breadwinner per household thereby forcing women into the job market leaving tiny tots under the care of state funded day-care and schooling. This process was also accompanied by sexual liberation and abortion on demand. Ironically the state then claimed there were insufficient Canadians entering the workforce which only drove increased immigration while doing little to ensure immigrants were being assimilated into the Canadian way of life. The result of this failure has been an increase in crime as well as a form of ghettoization where immigrant communities have flocked together to keep as much of the culture they had left behind intact. Since these communities invariably view the LPC as sympathetic to their way of life they support the LPC’s ever increasing statism. Simultaneously these efforts were supported whole heartedly by the NDP whose only criticism of the LPC has been that the Liberal Party had not gone far enough in expanding the size of the state and its control over its citizens via expanding social welfare programs and bureaucratic gatekeepers. 

It goes without saying this left conservativism outside of mainstream politics which is why the LPC has dominated Canada’s Zeitgeist. This has resulted in the version of conservativism under the CPC to do two things which are utterly contradictory to conservative principles; firstly, to pander to progressivism, secondly, accommodating communities that are socially conservative such as Islam while ignoring the one community which most closely aligns with the party’s values, dare I say it, the Anglophone Canadian.

Yes, there, I said it, the very thing that the CPC cannot even admit. Even as Quebec declares itself as a distinct nation within Canada. This is the reason so many Canadians are disillusioned by Ottawa. Ottawa not only forgot about us, but it also despises us! It hasn’t answered to Anglophones in years while at the same time has had the temerity to call us names, label us as intolerant bigots, and destroy the very economy that we and our fathers and mothers worked so diligently and forthrightly to build. Anglophones have grown disgusted by Ottawa’s pandering to an unworkable ideology which is eroding the very foundations of peace, order, and good government upon which this nation was founded. We will take out country back from ideologues who have begun to practice a species of authoritarianism that our fathers were sent off to war to fight and die to end. Since the elitist Laurentian Consensus has brought the fight to our backyards, I can assure you that this is a patch of grass that many Canadians will be willing to die to preserve as a Canada we can recognise! 

I am reminded of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s now famous quote regarding the former Soviet Union, “We know they are lying; they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.” His book the Gulag Archipelago made it impossible for all but the murderous to believe in social collectivism’s profane ideology. It is incumbent upon each and every one of us to inform the so-called great and the good, our Postmodern Cultural Elite, the Globalists, and the Laurentian Consensus that we will no longer participate in their lies but will use every means at our disposal to expose them. I pledge myself before Almighty God never again to bargain in the lies told to us by people who label us as conspiracy theorists for seeing through their lies. They know we are not conspiracy theorists; we know they know we are not conspiracy theorists; we know they know we know that is all a lie, and they know we see right through them, yet they still keep mislabelling us while hiding behind a faux screen of fake virtue signalling!

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