Saturday, October 22, 2022

RE: The farcical hearings in Ottawa


Everything those who are controlling the hearings do have but one goal, namely, to advance the Cultural Marxist Revolution. Contradictions are an essential part of that process since belief in the revolution must supersede belief in demonstrable fact. This is an undeniable truth that anyone who has studied Marxism ought to know. Up is down, left is right, male is female, national borders mean nothing, the Rule of Law is whatever those in charge of the State run apparatus say it is now. If you understand these fundamental truths, you'll understand why the hearings taking place at present in the grossly dysfunctional city of Ottawa have found no evidence that the Freedom Convoy posed a threat to the nation's capital. They fully intend that there ought not to be anything but innuendo and false allegations because those are the only things which can further the Cultural Marxist Revolution!

Has anyone noticed that when Freedom lovers protest, they don't damage anything yet when climate change activists protest, they tear things down, destroy precious paintings and statues, and blow-up pipelines? Notice that our government does nothing to condemn violent activists while condemning people who love liberty for demanding nothing other than the government follow the rule of law. Therefore, it is obvious that the only thing that our government favours is an attack on the rule of law because it is the law which poses a challenge to their absolutism!

But I'll take it far further than that. The left versus right political divide is an inheritance of the French Revolution where those who believed the executive branch of government was supreme sat to the right of the King and those who believed a National Assembly had the right to veto the King sat to his left. That would make most conservatives and libertarians radical leftists. So let us clarify our terminology since virtually every bad idea is French and frankly that continues to affect Canadian politics. Let's face it, the French detest the Westminster Parliamentary System, Anglophone Canadians, and the Rule of English Common Law.

The truth needs to be stated, radical Quebecois like Trudeau hate us. They have never forgiven us for defeating them on the Plains of Abraham. Yet after this defeat they were permitted to keep their culture intact. A far better deal than they have given us given their constant attack on Anglophone Canadians. They were allowed to keep the form of feudalism known as the seigneurial system which was an institutional form of land distribution established in New France in 1627 which wasn’t officially abolished until 1854. In New France, 80 per cent of the population lived in rural areas governed by this system of land distribution and occupation. They also were permitted to pay tithes to the Roman Church. They were permitted to keep their language intact and all their cultural traditions and holidays. Despite this they have the unmitigated gall to declare themselves a separate nation within the Dominion of Canada. If Anglos were to do the same there would be outrage. Face it, Canada's problem is French. It is the reason that oil rich provinces are despised by the Laurentian Elite and the powerful Quebecois interests who sit in our national parliament as avowed separatists. 

Radical socialism’s foremost characteristics are greed, resentment, and envy! I repeat my assertion from yesterday, Quebec traded its love of and domination by the Roman Church for the love of statism and total state control. So, should we be surprised they attempt to undermine the rest of the Canadian economy while at the same time demand enormous reparations be paid to their province? And so, until these essential contradictions are addressed, the Cultural Marxist Revolution marches on unabated as the nation panders to the radicals in the Laurentian Consensus.

As noted British Conservative Dr. David Starkey now famously asserted: “All bad ideas are French. It is an absolute principle of human existence. From David Starkey on The Brendan O Neill Show: Moreover the Bolshevik Revolution was nothing other than an attempt to complete the process begun by the French Revolution where an never ending revolution is the entire point since the realization of their utopian dreams always lie somewhere over the horizon. Constant destabilizing of established order is how the revolution avows to advance itself. Postmodernism and Cultural Marxism are merely steps along the path to utter totalitarian despotic control of humanity.

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