Wednesday, May 31, 2023

WOKE isn't the correct name for a Cultural Marxist Revolution!


Let us examine what WOKE actually means, and of course I will be blunt and exact in my examination of it. The original premise of Marx and Engels pitted the working-class proletariat against the elite known as the bourgeoisie. The proletariat are people who earn a wage for a living, in other words the majority of us who are employed by others. While the bourgeoisie are those who make their living through property or through ownership of the means of providing services and controlling the production of goods, namely the elite. In our time the wealthiest among them are investment bankers and CEOs of multinational conglomerates who control budgets far larger than many nation states. Today the bourgeoisie must also include the bureaucratic and political class who by means of controlling lobbying grant those who provides services and produce goods special privileges thereby controlling the economic market. This is why we no longer have free markets, if indeed we ever did, since we have regulated economies controlled by Big Government. Controlled markets are grossly inefficient given the impossibility of those in government to determine how individuals will react to the market, since it involves literally billions of unpredictable human beings. Of course, Marxism ignores this fact.

Since this poses an enormous problem to Marxists the facts must be manipulated to justify their constant interference in the market. And there is no better way to manipulate people than through fear, demoralising, and arbitrary control which Marxists invariably label as benefiting the socialist collective. In other words, we must forgo individual liberty, autonomy, and freedom to benefit the majority under the banner of the needs of the many outweighing the rights of the few. But how is this accomplished since people are averse to surrendering freedom they once enjoyed? By creating a cult of victimhood of course since this is the original premise of socialism, namely by pitting the working class against the elite. But why have so many of the workers come to believe that the elite are their salvation? This we shall examine next.

I have often mentioned that by the 1930’s intellectual Marxist professors from Frankfurt Germany had realized Marx and Engels had got it all wrong, that the worker was never going to spontaneously rise to overthrow the elite. So, they reinvented Marxism. In the new “class struggle” workers were replaced by “intersectional oppression” and society itself became the enemy; our very culture was condemned as a white patriarchal tyranny of post-colonial oppression. Fathers were vilified, manhood became toxic, women were told they were being oppressed by their husbands, sexual norms and morality were deemed to be inhibiting, and homosexuality, indeed any conduct that could destroy the nuclear family up to and including paedophilia, was lauded since it would advance the Cultural Marxist Revolution. 

Is there any wonder then why we live in an out-of-control society where weakness and frailty are being lauded and victimhood has become not merely socially acceptable but is literally being taught in our schools? From the universities the mental pathogen of Cultural Marxist Critical Theory has spread into every corner of society consuming even businesses who obviously have now demonstrated that they are willing to forgo profitability while insulting their customers’ sensibilities to promote a radical Cultural Marxist agenda. The very fact that more than one extremely renown and profitable company has ignored their fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders and their accountability to their customers is proof that under the influence of this mind worm nothing will be permitted to stop the cultural revolution from the loons who have taken charge of the Cultural Marxist Asylum we now live in.

But who has become an even greater victim than the intersectionally oppressed under this prevailing Cultural Marxist revolution? Why mother earth of course hence the constant harping on carbon emissions as the despoiler of the planet even though the planet has grown ever greener under the slight increase in carbon emissions to the point where we are now feeding more people that was previously thought possible. Let us remember that CO2 comprises a mere 0.04% of atmospheric gases. Of course, for every proof that capitalism and individual well-being are coefficients of one another the radical Neo-Marxists must try yet again to control what ultimately is beyond even their all-controlling grasp. Malthusian doomsday prophecies and prophetic warnings of disease and plague are merely pages from the Cultural Marxist playbook written by control freaks who assisted those who created both COVID and its failed antiviral antidote. These involve some of the largest pharmaceutical firms on earth who have cooperated with both Western governments and the CCP to play God by creating a previously unheard-of deadly pathogen. These are conclusions which have now become public knowledge.

Now it's up to every one of us who believe in personal autonomy and limited constitutional government to expose Cultural Marxist Critical Theory's ungodly agenda. The left laughs when we call their agenda "WOKE" since Critical Theory is being taught in every university in Canada. As a result, Cultural Marxism has corrupted every Canadian institution including our metastasizing bureaucracy along with the majority of those from our political class. We need to surgically remove these pathological beliefs from Canadian public discourse starting with our children by teaching them the value of taking responsibility for themselves while demanding that Critical Theory be removed from all curricula.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

The hilarity of human contradictions: man plans while God laughs


The radical left is driven by pathological narcissism, envy, and laziness. That is a given. But what bothers me most is that this mindset has taken over a significant percentage of the population. We have become lax and unthinking. How did this happen for this languor of mind and body was certainly not indicative of the Canada of my youth?  So, what is the cause of the wilful blindness of so many of my fellow Canadians?

It took 30 years to begin to retire the debt P.E. Trudeau's disastrous government created and it will take ten times that to retire the debt created by his son's malignant anti-energy policies and the cost of maintaining a metastasizing bureaucracy used to enforce his government's illiberal authoritarian control over us. Canadians appear to be utterly determined never to learn from history, dedicated to remaining completely indifferent to the necessity of fiduciary accountability, turn a blind eye to sound economic policies, and choose to remain utterly ignorant of how a constitutional democracy under parliamentary oversight must operate. Obviously, there can be no political solution to that moral, philosophical, and spiritual crisis created by dumbed down generation of voters who refuse to recognize that the political class caused this dilemma and therefore cannot possibly solve the very issues that they deliberately created!

The source of the mental pathogen:

"All bad ideas are French. It is an absolute principle of human existence." - Dr. David Starkey

England did not know feudalism until the Norman invasion of 1066. Until that time, its nobility and kings had governed by consent of Witan which was the Anglo-Saxon version of parliament. A thousand years ago in one fell swoop the French Normans gutted responsible government in England to create a murderous tyranny. Today our parliamentary democracy has been utterly corrupted by an oligarchical element from the Laurentian region of Canada and so, the wheel has come full circle which only proves Dr. Starkey's assertion! This is why I so often mention the Laurentian Elite who have held the nation in a vice grip of faux enlightened tyranny for decades.

From an article written by John Weissenberger in the National Post published Dec 05, 2019 entitled: 

“Meet the Laurentian Elite, the mediocre masters of Canada

Our self-declared social and political elite is like the air we breathe or the proverbial water around fish; it seems so natural as to be unnoticeable

“Journalist and author John Ibbitson coined the term in a seminal 2011 article, later expanded into a book, The Big Shift. He defined the “Laurentians” as “the political, academic, cultural, media and business elites” of central Canada. Ibbitson and co-author Darrell Bricker argued that the 2011 federal Conservative majority, achieved via the alignment of Western Canada and ex-urban Ontario, represented a major rearrangement of our electoral landscape. Subsequent events, however, suggest that, if a shift is happening, it may be long and painful.

Ibbitson cites and credits the historical accomplishments of central Canada’s elites, from the National Policy and the St. Lawrence Seaway to what he terms the “national social security system.” He is unduly kind.

Beginning in 1968, coincident with the election of Pierre Trudeau, our elites adopted contemporary left-leaning economic and social policies. Federal government spending mushroomed from 16 per cent of the economy in 1967 to 25 per cent (of a much larger pie) in 1984 when Trudeau Sr. departed — a vast increase in dollar terms. Simultaneously, the Canadian public sector became almost 50 per cent of the economy, with the programs implemented and institutions created almost too numerous to mention. This is the point: a robust civil society and private-sector economy were being supplanted by an expanding state.

The reckoning came in the 1990s. Canada’s debt to GDP ratio approached 72 per cent and, in 1995, the Wall Street Journal called us “an honorary Third-World country.” After two credit rating downgrades, and prodded by the decidedly non-Laurentian Reform party, the Liberals acted. Laurentian patriarchs Paul Martin and Jean Chrétien are credited with righting Canada’s finances, but who cast us into the pit in the first place?

For decades, the Laurentian Elite grappled with an existential crisis: Quebec separatism. Confederation was, in their view, a compact between “two founding peoples” that would be blown apart if Quebec left. Shockingly, Laurentian Canada’s brokerage parties had no visceral understanding of the true-believing separatists, who viewed each federalist concession as incremental independence. So we had our near-death experience in 1995, allegedly saved only by “money and the ethnic vote,” to quote PQ leader Jacques Parizeau.

Overconfident federalist leaders — Laurentians all — fairly sleepwalked through the campaign, until they realized at the 11th hour that Quebeckers might actually vote to leave. A shaken Chrétien gave a pleading address five days before the vote and, interviewed years later, senior Liberal cabinet ministers still resembled deer in the headlights in contemplating the “unthinkable.” Of course Parizeau’s people had a detailed implementation plan ready to launch upon a favourable result.

Using the twin yardsticks of fiscal management and national unity, the Laurentian Elite’s tenure over the past 50 years has ranged from poor to passable. As the Laurentians presided, their worldview — Ibbitson’s “Laurentian Consensus” — ruled. Lack of competition from a rival elite or elites (excepting of course the separatists, and we saw how that turned out) increased their torpor and complacency. This, coupled with an increasingly arrogant detachment from many ordinary Canadians, particularly those outside central Canada, caused repeated social and political rifts.

Historically, the Laurentian Elite were Upper Canadian Anglo-Protestants and Québécois Patricians, and their descendants still dominate the upper strata of politics, the bureaucracy, Crown corporations and agencies, academia and media. Private-sector membership tends toward legacy industries (particularly banking/finance and manufacturing), often dominated by multi-generational families. The media, particularly the CBC, project the “consensus” across the country. As Diane Francis has observed, the elite’s members have remarkable mobility among the upper levels of Canada’s government, business and the bureaucracy.

Today’s Laurentian Elite is also arguably our franchise of the mobile, transnational professional class — the “Anywheres” as discussed in Stephen Harper’s 2018 book, Right Here, Right Now. They are, according to Harper, urban and university-educated professionals who “have become genuinely globally-oriented in their careers and personal lives.”

As “Anywheres,” the Laurentians largely reflect the universal, broadly-leftist monoculture. Their personal ethos is typically secular and socially “progressive.” Today this includes much of the post-modern canon: intersectionality, quantifying “privilege” and the seemingly incessant signalling of virtue. Economically they range from socialist to corporatist, businessmen who actively seek advantage from deals with government, while typically promoting the social-progressive agenda.

Adopting globalism may actually have diluted the “Laurentian” nature of the class and boosted their disdain for national character. This may explain Justin Trudeau’s comments in The New York Times: “there is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada”; perhaps a riff on Paul Martin’s “country of minorities” or Yann Martel’s Canada as “the greatest hotel on Earth.”

Further on in the article Weissenberger states, “The West now comprises almost a third of Canada’s population

The Laurentian response to shifting population and money has been restrictive, envious and resentful, with ignorance and neglect replaced by targeted aggression. Under a cloak of green, the federal Liberals have written one generally supportive rulebook for economic development in the East, and a decidedly unfriendly one — including the West-Coast oil tanker ban and Bill C-69, the “no more pipelines” bill — for the West.

The burning question is whether the Laurentian Elite is confusing short-term tactical gain with strategic accomplishment. Is it really to the elite’s fundamental and long-term benefit to beggar the region that supplies the lion’s share of financial lubricant that powers the nation? The past several years show that, despite its electoral success, the Laurentian Elite simply does not possess the “life experience” to manage current regional tensions and basic national affairs.”

Personally, I am with Kierkegård when it comes to recognizing the hilarity of human contradictions. The greatest of which lies ultimately in the powerlessness of the powerful in spite of all their vain boasting of creating some future progressive utopia by means of hubristic social engineering and pipe dreams which are based upon unworkable renewable energy that is no cleaner than the fossil fuels that the elite refuse to mine. Add to this the absolute assurance that we are approaching a singularity where mankind will create a technology that we may well not be able to control which could destroy both God's creation along with the technology's creators. So, our highest genius of creating Artificial Intelligence thus may well become our lowest folly. This is true comedy where God laughs because we dared to tell Him our plans on how we will set about altering the sum and substance of His creation, trifling with the very structure of reality itself, only to be destroyed by the idolatrous nature of our own godless creation. And you my fellow Canadians have abandoned your God given intelligence by refusing to recognize that the elite you have entrusted to govern are incapable of governing!  

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

There will be no where to hide from what is coming!


RE: The complete corruption and undermining of our democracy and national autonomy in Canada. Moreover, the ideological source of our ruin is not properly called "WOKE", it is correctly named Cultural Marxist Critical Theory!

And its essential premise is based upon a lie, and not even a carefully crafted one. The elite rely on the fact they have made us fearful, demoralized, and dumbed down to the point where we have become incapable of doing anything to counter their tyrannical control. And why have we become incapable? Because we have believed what we have been told by those we entrusted to both educate and govern us who have betrayed our trust! They have portrayed what is arguably the freest and least racist nation on earth as a patriarchal tyranny even as they seek to erase our past and vilify our national heroes. If Canada was actually a patriarchal tyranny, why then have we been a haven for those fleeing economic depravity, political corruption and unrest from every far-flung region of the globe? The mischaracterisation of our past is obviously intentional on their part since it is the reason that Justin Trudeau has been able to successfully lead Canada down a path not unlike what Mao did in China during the Cultural Revolution.

But how have we become so susceptible to this radical ideology? Cultural Marxist Critical Theory is being taught in every university in Canada at the tax payers' expense where it has been a key part of curriculum for decades, particularly in the humanities. If you do not believe me simply open a search engine, type the name of any university which comes to mind, and search its curriculum for Critical Theory. Canadians need to understand that Trudeau is the perfect reflection of this toxic mindset. Even if we were to rid the nation of Trudeau our challenge lies in how to counter the ideological possession that has possessed him which now possesses the broader population. And that will not be so easily accomplished unless we are able to precisely understand the nature of the ideology which is driving so many of our fellow Canadians to want to destroy our energy and manufacturing-based economy while undermining our culture and the institutions upon which our parliamentary democracy relies! Note that Trudeau himself asserted that Canada has no core identity. If we have no shared national identity, it is then no small wonder why he has stated that Canada is the first post-national state! Of course, this is nonsense but when has nonsense stopped Trudeau from stating patent falsehoods when no reasoned argument would serve his radical purposes? If Justin Trudeau has a legacy, it will be as the great deconstructor. He has managed to tear apart our cultural foundations and replace them with pipedreams which is why his government just issued passports that resemble an Ikea colouring book where all symbols of our shared heritage have been adulterated and replaced with nonsense.

I will read a short excerpt from Mikkel Clair Nissen’s brilliant description of the toxic mindset behind Critical Theory from his seminal work entitled “Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed” since I could not possibly define the terrible debilitating affects of this ideological possession better than Mikkel.

“Democracy in itself cannot radicalize collectivism. Therefore, socialism within the context of a democratic system is very different from traditional socialism. In an attempt to protect, maintain, and secure the continuance of what has now ended up in absolute collectivist greed, the Marxists have put into use awful methods of suppressive psychological undermining. Now we find they use orchestrated, designed, and calculated psychological coercion—subliminal conditioning that utilizes the weapon of guilt and enticement. Coercion is accomplished by means that are identical to the methods commonly known as Machiavellian egocentricity, which is described in psychology as the illusive ability to manipulate, subdue, and control others in order to achieve personal ends and desires. This results in weakening the general society, and even worse, further weakening society’s emotionally weakest citizens—the codependent collectivists. Conversely, this emotional weakness empowers the radical collectivist part of society even further. The more deprived the collectivist is—and thereby the more manipulative and malignant—the stronger the collectivist. Note: The political spectrum, known as right and left, is in actuality being purposely manipulated. The fact is that the essence of freedom lies in the proper limitation of government. Indisputably, throughout history no source has proven itself more deadly and destructive than the authority invested in government. While this is general knowledge to those who enthusiastically advocate freedoms, most, unfortunately, are uninformed. Accordingly, this creates the perfect environment for deception. Indeed, an accurate political spectrum from right to left would undeniably begin with “freedom” (e.g., non-intrusive government, self-sovereignty, and self-determination), defined by “little or no government control.” Thus, the political spectrum would end up on the left with “totalitarianism” (e.g., authoritarian dictatorial government, subjugation, and tyranny), defined by “unlimited government control.” In accordance, a correct paradigm would begin with ideals of “anarchy,” endorsing “no government.” Next would come the ideals of “libertarianism,” also known as “classical-liberalism,” endorsing “limited government.” Thereafter, would come “modernliberalism,” also known as “social-liberalism,” endorsing “greater government.” Ultimately, the spectrum would end with the ideals of “fascism,” “socialism,” and “communism,” endorsing “totalitarian government.” Conversely, perfect deception is achieved through manipulating this spectrum by placing those who are in favor of egalitarianism (the notion of social equality), also known as Marxism (e.g., communists and socialists), on the left wing. This would place those who are not in favor of social equality on the right wing, which is more than half of the political spectrum, including fascists who are in favor of complete government control. Although the fact is that communism, socialism, and fascism promote the same set of radical collectivist ideals of “totalitarianism”—dictatorial intrusive government. However, by affiliating genuine right-wingers—individuals in favor of minimum government control— with totalitarian fascist regimes (e.g., Hitler’s “Nazism”), the perfect diversion is created. Hence, relying on ignorance, the left and right paradigm is in fact a wellknown method of deception, known as “divide and conquer,” with one sole purpose: to create confusion and so achieve emotional and intellectual control. This technique consequently sets up the populace against one another, while allowing those who want to remain in authority to promote and achieve their exact agenda, “totalitarianism”—total government control.”

Monday, May 8, 2023

What happens when the fear of God is replaced with the fear of the MAN?

Beware of normative deconstruction. There's a reason things have worked the way they did in the past namely, because they worked! 

RE: WOKE and the loss of the fear of God

I read many posts from conservatives and Christians who criticize WOKEISM without understanding its origins. It goes all the way back to the 1930's and to the sociologists and psychologists from Frankfurt Germany who formed the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism. They did so since by the 1930’s despite the Great Depression it had become evident that the proletariat was not going to spontaneously revolt against the bourgeoisie. This led them to reinvent Marx’s and Engels’ original theory into one which pitted the intersectionally oppressed against society itself which they labelled as a patriarchal tyranny. This is the origin of the prevailing victim cult which has captured the West where guilt is assigned based upon immutable characteristics and innocence applied to those who can claim they are intersectionally oppressed. Obviously, this is a Satanic counterfeit which replaces the idea of original sin, the need for redemption in Christ and the value of our personal moral life.  Since the founders of the Frankfurt School were Jews, they were forced to flee Nazi Germany to North America where they subsequently taught Neo-Marxist Critical Theory in our Universities and helped to found the forerunner of the CIA, Wild Bill Donovan’s OSS. However, it is quite likely that those who are most under the sway of WOKEISM are unaware of the source of their ideological possession even though Critical Race and Queer Theory are pages torn out of Cultural Marxist doctrine. Let me be clear, it isn't sufficient to recognize the symptoms of an illness. In order to treat the illness, one must first understand how to combat the pathogen by studying the pathogen.

While it is true as Dr. David Starkey once famously asserted, "All bad ideas are French. It is an absolute principle of human existence.", it is also true that the Germans borrowed those ideas to hone them into totalitarian tyranny! At the heart and centre of this tyranny is replacing the fear of God with the fear of man in the form of illiberal authoritarian state control right down to what you will be permitted to think, say, where you can go, who you are allowed to associate with, and do business with. It will deliberately force you to abandon your perception of reality to replace the evidence of your own eyes with fantastical delusion.

WOKE is hiding under a guise of “liberalism”!

Nothing could be more indicative of the prevailing social idiocy than not understanding the difference between the liberty implicit in the name "Liberalism" from the "Dialectical Materialism" implicit to socialism. To the former the only limit to achievement is man's own creativity and entrepreneurial spirit and to the latter everything is limited by the fact socialism posits that life is a zero-sum enterprise necessitating controlled economies and controlled outcomes. Those two principles couldn't possibly be greater polar opposites. If the needs of the many outweigh the rights of even one individual, then tyranny will be the result.

But to violate and destroy all the rules which define normality is the very purpose of the Cultural Marxist Revolution. Remember how during COVID the authorities repeatedly used the phrase, "the new normal" only for us to discover later that what the authorities were forcing on us was neither normal nor did it effectively mitigate the pandemic? This wasn't a simple mistake or an oversight on their part rather it was an experiment in state sanctioned social manipulation and engineering. Our elected leaders had colluded with unelected multinational conglomerates and investment bankers who are intent on herding society down a very dark path not unlike what happened in Communist China under Mao during his Cultural Revolution. During lockdowns Trudeau’s policies were interrupting our supply chain which necessitated the Freedom Convoy protests. The truckers had recognized that the government was deliberately damaging the supply chain, as a result they felt they needed to warn us as concertedly as possible of the damage being wreaked upon us by Trudeau’s foolish mandates. For similar reasons during China’s Cultural Revolution Mao’s policies resulted in food being in desperate shortage as food production fell dramatically. The resulting famine caused the deaths of more than 30 million people, particularly in the more impoverished inland regions. This is why Trudeau's policies are targeting the most vulnerable and marginalized among us. It is no wonder then why Trudeau stated all those years ago that he admires Communist China's ability to turn things around on a dime especially now that we know that the CCP funded his Neo-Marxist deconstruction of our social order and economy! For the love of God Canada, wake up and turn away from your fascination with Neo-Marxism. We now know that the virus was artificially created. We have evidence that governments all throughout the Western World used COVID and Climate Catastrophizing as an excuse to generate fear and panic to fundamentally alter social order and the nature of our economies. We must demand that our elected representatives do the only two things that justifies democratic government of the people and by the people namely, to defend our borders by maintaining the sovereignty of each nation’s interests while enforcing the Rule of Law within each border! Our governments at present are doing the opposite since under their illiberal authoritarian rule Western society has grown ever more lawless while our venal and corrupt political leaders pander to a wicked globalist agenda that is proving itself to be just as dangerous to our freedoms as the CCP is to the Chinese people where it oppresses and murders its own citizens just to cling to power! Do we really want the same species of tyranny to govern the West? If you do not, then consider the following admonitions from the Book of the Wisdom of Solomon who knew how to judge and govern his people wisely:

Proverbs 3:7, “Be not wise in your own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.”

Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

Proverbs 10:27, “The fear of the Lord prolongs days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.”

For when we lose the fear of God that source of Divine wisdom to govern ourselves well will be replaced by the totalitarian fear of government dominated by the enemy of our souls. Satan is WOKE to what is written about in 1st Peter 5:8 which warns us to “Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times.” Since “That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour.”, for as it is written in 1st John 5:19 — American Standard Version (ASV) 19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in the evil one.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Secret Rapture with Love from the Vatican

 Every generation of believer when faced with social decay and moral apostasy began to predict they lived at the end of days. The reason for this is that they looked at the symptoms of the problem mankind was facing rather than at the root cause and its solution. Any fool can know the symptoms of social rot, but it takes insight and wisdom to offer solutions to a world maddened by spiritual confusion. When I was young, I attended an evangelical fellowship in St. Catharines. Its preachers stated verbatim that Christ would return within 40 years of Israel becoming a nation again. This arrogant assertion turned them into false prophets. Many today are claiming they know that Christ's return is eminent yet even He stated He didn't know the day nor the hour. We are called to be the salt of this world. If you truly hope in Christ, it is to you that commission is given. The prevailing Cultural Marxist social revolution with its apostate ideology of Critical Race and Queer Theory is designed to destroy humanity's social cohesion, the nuclear family, and the nature of human sexuality. If Christians refuse to get real by addressing this pernicious moral perversity, then the Lord isn't about to remove you from your obligation to stand for His Truth in an age of spiritual apostasy!

Matthew 24:36 New American Standard Bible “But about that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.

God is not a gumball machine nor is He a get out of jail free card neither is life a game of Monopoly. Why is Monopoly so significant to today’s topic? Because the game creates nothing since it merely hoards what already exists into fewer and fewer hands till only one is left owning all. This defines the dialectical materialism of Marx and Engels in a nutshell. This is the latent and little understood reason for socialism, it believes that life is a zero-sum proposition. This is why it seeks to hoard all things unto itself while destroying the existing system of “production”. In contradiction to this apostasy God is the God of creation who calls into existence what previously had not existed. The very creative nature of God therefore stands in opposition to life as a zero-sum proposition. But there is more for since we are created in His image we have been created to create, and by our words and actions we are called to call into existence things which previously did not exist. This makes our living faith the opposite of a zero-sum game but to create we must face the challenge of resistance from the enemy who seeks to destroy this process of creation because he hates God’s creation itself. Therefore, there can be no escaping our persecution nor do the Scriptures promise us such.

But where did the idea that God will save us from persecution originate?

It is important that we examine the basis of the doctrine of Secret Rapture for this Secret Rapture doctrine was unknown before the 19th century and did not become a pillar doctrine within evangelicals until the first half of the 20th century. Allow me to clarify that the Second Coming written about in 1st Corinthians 15:51-52 & 2nd Thessalonians 4:16-17) is Biblical. However, I need to address the false doctrine of an unscriptural Pre-Tribulation Secret Rapture.

The Mysterious Origin of Secret Rapture and the Jesuit Order of Counter-Reformation

In 1590, Francisco Ribera, a Roman Catholic Jesuit, taught Futurism, the idea that most of Revelation was about the future rather than about the Catholic Church. He taught that the antichrist is a single individual who is to come in the distant future. Most protestant reformers like Martin Luther, John Huss, John Wycliffe, John Calvin, and the translators of the King James Bible firmly believed that the Pope was the antichrist since the anti-Christ was prophesied to be a false Christ to a fallen apostate church. This is why the Papacy claims to have the power to absolve sin, something which Christ alone has done by virtue of the finished work of the Cross.

What are the keys of papacy?

The silver key symbolises the power to bind and loose on Earth, and the gold key the power to bind and loose in Heaven. The primary emblem of the papacy is these two keys beneath a triregnum also known as the papal tiara. The Jesuit order was created as part of the Counter-Reformation movement which the Catholic Church undertook at the Council of Trent in 1545. Jesuit Francisco Ribera was tasked with countering the current popular belief that the Papacy is the office of the Antichrist. The Jesuit Francisco Ribera created Futurism to place the antichrist into the distant future to safeguard the image of the Papacy. Manuel Lacunza, a Jesuit Priest invented the Rapture. Manuel Lacunza (1731–1801), was a Jesuit priest (under the Jewish pseudonym Juan Josafat Ben Ezra), wrote an apocalyptic work entitled "La venida del Mesías en gloria y majestad"  or “The Coming of the Messiah in Glory and Majesty”. The book appeared first in 1811 and in 1827, it was translated into English by the Scottish minister Edward Irving. In 1825, Irving accepted the One-Man Antichrist idea of Catholic Jesuit priests Robert Bellarmine and Francisco Ribera. John Nelson Darby (18 November 1800 – 29 April 1882) was an Anglo-Irish Bible teacher, one of the influential figures among the original Plymouth Brethren and the founder of the Exclusive Brethren. He is considered to be the father of modern Dispensationalism and Futurism. Pre-tribulation rapture theology was popularized extensively in the 1830s by John Nelson Darby and the Plymouth Brethren, and further popularized in the United States in the early 20th century by the wide circulation of the Scofield Reference Bible.

Since the Plymouth Brethren were Calvinists, this false doctrine spread into the Baptist fellowships then on to the Pentecostals. During the 1970s, belief in the rapture became popular in wider circles, because of the books of Hal Lindsey, including “The Late Great Planet Earth”, which has reportedly sold between 15 million and 35 million copies, and the movie “A Thief in the Night”. In 1995, the doctrine of the pre-tribulation rapture was further popularized by Tim LaHaye's “Left Behind” series of books, which sold tens of millions of copies and was made into several movies and four real-time strategy video games.

All of this false doctrine exists out of hoping to escape our obligation to be a co-creator with God, and out of a desire to escape filling up that which is lacking in Christ’s sufferings. From Colossians 1:24 New American Standard Bible “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am supplementing what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions in behalf of His body, which is the church.”

So, there you have it, no man knows the hour of His coming, but we know this, we are commissioned to remain ever on dutiful watch while employed in the business of co-creation. Christ holds the answer to the re-building of a Godly generation. Today’s society is besotted with Neo-Marxist apostasy which causes its adherents to tear down the very foundations of social order, civil harmony, and the nuclear family. But our answer to this is found in Colossians 1:16-18 New American Standard Bible “16 for by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions, or rulers, or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. 17 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. 18 He is also the head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything.” Therefore Christ is returning for those who love His appearing and who are ushering in His coming by remaining steadfast in ensuring His Kingdom comes and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. From 2nd Timothy 4:8 New American Standard Bible “8 in the future there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing.”


Why the reactionary left is at war with Trump

  Our present cultural dilemma: Clickbait noun ˈklik-ˌbāt: something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hype...