Thursday, January 11, 2024

Marxofascism and the failure of the Church to counter it


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It is a dreadful choice of muzak but perhaps is fitting to express the growing revulsion and unwillingness among westerners to accept the totalizing enterprise of the radical left elitists whose ideological possession is the mongrel ideational offspring of Marx and Mussolini. Communism and Fascism had an illegitimate bastard brat, and its name is "WOKE Climate and Pandemic hysteria" created in the Malthusian delusional minds of the wealthiest and most powerful 1% who detest their fellow man yet found the need to engineer chaos under the false flag of sympathy for the dispossessed and care for the planet. We must be rid of them if we are ever to return to nation states governed democratically by their own citizens rather than controlled from abroad and infected by an immigrant population who loathe Western values!

Due to the machinations of the 1% every single Godly principle upon which limited constitutional government rests is being murdered by social collectivism. I have been warning about this for a decade. Both my YouTube channel and my blog channel are proof that I am not exaggerating. I have been warning others for a decade of the dangers posed by the ideological possession which is the false godless doctrine of our age. Moreover, I have described exactly how, why, and by whom the erosion of democracy would happen. I have been mischaracterized for trying to warn you, particularly by those in the roots music scene who once loathed the Man but now sing his praises. Those who once defined themselves as individualistic have become champions at the forefront of the cultural revolution that is actually anti-cultural to its core. So be it, if you didn't yearn for liberty enough to fight for it, you don’t deserve to be free. In fact, one of their company, a man holding many Canadian and American music awards which include 23 Maple Blues Awards, 2 Indy Awards, 1 USA Blues Music Award, and 2 Juno Awards and that list is by no means complete, once asked me “what would you do with more freedom?” Seriously, the real question is this, what will the entire western world do when it finally succumbs to the totalizing enterprise of the radical left elite? An elite who believe that the planet is one enormous zero-sum game such that humanity must be orchestrated by them like players in a globalist’s game of Monopoly. A game where the elite intend to hold all the assets, so they don’t suffer along with the rest of us. Yet in our last conversation with the award-winning artist in question he stated that he was “good with whatever the outcome will be!” Enough of the music scene, it just depresses me to the point where I can hardly listen to something I once dearly loved. I can no longer associate with people who love their oppression not because I have rejected them but because they want nothing further to do with me.

From Terry Glavin: Democracy is dying around the globe an opinion piece by Terry Glavin published January 10th, 2024

“Last week’s election in Bangladesh was the first. November’s election in the United States will be the last. In between, 74 United Nations member states are due to have national votes of one kind or another, involving more than four-billion voters in 2024, the biggest election year in world history.

That might sound like good news, but quite a few of these exercises will be mockeries of democracy — the pantomimes in Russia and Iran the most obviously obscene. While the focus of attention across the anglosphere is on the disturbing prospects of a Donald Trump victory in the United States, there’s a lot more to be dreary about, if you’re so inclined.

If there’s any good news, it comes in the optimism of the non-profit Freedom House organization, based in Washington, D.C.

Freedom House president Michael Abramowitz reckons that democracy’s 17-year global retreat appears to have slowed, and may even have stopped. Abramowitz and Freedom House senior scholar emeritus Arch Puddington cite indicators from 2022 showing that the number of countries exhibiting declines in democratic health was nearly matched by countries showing improvement.

But Larry Diamond, senior fellow in global democracy at Stanford University, says a closer look at the same data reveals a darker picture : when democracy’s backsliding began in 2006, more than half the world’s population lived in democracies; today, it’s down to one in four of us.

Meanwhile, the Sweden-based Varieties of Democracies (V-Dem) Institute, armed with a much heftier dataset on 202 countries going back to 1789 and the contribution of more than 4,000 scholars and experts from 180 countries, paints a far more alarming portrait. V-Dem’s “ Democracy Report ” for 2023 calculates that things haven’t been this bad since the days before the end of the Cold War. You’d have to go back to 1986 to replicate the state of affairs we’re seeing in 2023.

For the first time since the 1990s, the world’s police states outnumber liberal democracies. The democratic camp has been reduced to 32 member states, down from 44 as recently as 2009, while the autocracies in various orbits of the Beijing-Moscow-Tehran axis have grown to 33 from 22 over the past 14 years. And 2024 hasn’t exactly begun auspiciously.

Last weekend’s election in Bangladesh was a mess. In the lead-up to the vote that returned Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to serve a fourth consecutive term and hold onto her status as the world’s longest-serving female head of state, hundreds of opposition politicians were jailed, at least 16 people were killed and opposition parties boycotted the vote altogether. Polling booths were set on fire on Sunday, and only 40 per cent of the roughly 120-million voting-age Bangladeshis showed up to cast ballots.

Next up is this coming weekend’s presidential race in Taiwan, a vibrant liberal democracy that has withstood years of intimidation and bullying by Beijing. Chinese President Xi Jinping has persisted in trade disruption and threats to invade the island, which the Chinese Communist Party regards as a breakaway province.

In recent months, Beijing has sent a record number of fighter jets into Taiwan’s “air defence identification zone,” in an effort to scare voters away from the governing Democratic Progressive party (DPP) and into the arms of the obsequious Kuomintang party. Recent polling suggests the DPP’s William Lai, successor to the popular president Tsai Ing-wen, has an edge over the Kuomintang’s Hou Yu-ih. But it’s likely to be a close race.

Nearly a billion voting-age citizens of the world’s most populous democracy go to the polls in April and May in a general election in India that appears almost certain to return Narendra Modi for a third four-year term in the prime minister’s office. The opposition Congress party and its dynastic Gandhi family are foundering in the face of Modi’s wealthy and powerful Bharatiya Janata party (BJP), which has come to dominate national and regional politics in India.

The BJP’s successes are attributable to Modi’s emphasis on Hindu nationalism and a populist pro-business ethos. Modi’s more recent effort to secure the allegiance of India’s “backward castes” and farmers with welfare subsidies has drawn them away from the secularist Congress party. But Modi’s dominance has also come at the expense of India’s democratic legacy, perhaps especially India’s tradition of a free press and a vibrant civil society.

Religious minorities, especially Muslims, are routinely targets of officially sanctioned repression, and Delhi has resorted to counter-terrorism laws to silence critics and marginalize political opponents, students, academics and journalists.

Across the Middle East, the flowering of the Arab Spring is a sad memory. Throughout Africa, democratic advances have been wholly reversed in recent years by military coups in Niger, Sudan, Chad, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Guinea and Mali.

The liberal democracies’ great hopes for post-apartheid South Africa have been dashed by the corruption of the ruling African National Congress (ANC), soaring unemployment, rolling blackouts, a 33 per cent unemployment rate, rising xenophobia and Pretoria’s increasing alliances with Beijing and Moscow. The ANC has held power in South Africa since its first election in 1994.

Elections are scheduled this year for several quasi-democracies, such as Pakistan and Indonesia, and for outright strongman states like Iran and Russia, at a neck-and-neck tie for the most absurd election spectacles of them all this year.

In Iran, candidates for the Majlis, the theocracy’s rubber-stamp parliament, must first be approved by the 12 ayatollahs and judges on the Islamic regime’s guardian council. Already, several thousand candidates for the March 1 parliamentary election have been officially disqualified.

In Russia, where opposition leaders are routinely jailed or murdered, the oligarchy’s elections commission announced last week that it would permit Leonid Slutsky and Vladislav Davankov, the leaders of parties subservient to President Vladimir Putin’s circle of warlords, to run against Putin in the March 15-17 elections.

Putin is, of course, expected to win. When he does, Putin will have been in office for 24 years, longer than either Joseph Stalin or Leonid Brezhnev, and his regime is expected to continue its bloody war of conquest in Ukraine.

In the United States, which Freedom House and the Economist Intelligence Unit both now classify as a flawed democracy well behind several European countries, incumbent Joe Biden is facing a stiff challenge from the Republican party over the collapse of border control, soaring inflation and a decline in real wages. And the Republican party seems almost certain to name former president Donald Trump as its candidate for the White House race.

It’s not a pleasant prognostication, but if 2024 came in with a democratic whimper in Bangladesh, a Trump election would mean the year will end with a horrible democratic washout in the United States.” ~ Postmedia News

So says Terry but what say I? The nature of the cultural revolution’s march through the institutions was both patient and simple, over time they have taken them over by capturing them from within. DEI is everywhere. The elite have come after our faith, our family, and our property. So, I asked Bing AI to invent a word that could define the unholy blending of Marxism and Fascism, after dissembling for a moment it came up with “Marxofascism”. I like it! It will be my go-to phrase from now on to define the nature of what Dr. James Lindsay defines as the “totalizing enterprise”. It was due to my connections in the roots music scene that I was first made aware of how the Marxofascists intended to take over the institutions. In 2011 at Brant Parker’s open mic jam in Thorold Ontario I spoke with a saxophonist cum Brock University Child Studies professor whose name is Dr. Hans Skott-Myhre. He informed me that he was a Marxist. Being taken aback I inquired, “Do you think there will be a full-blown violent Marxist revolution?” He replied, “We do not think so, we believe that over time we can march through all the institutions and capture them from within.” Dr. Hans was merely echoing a plan put forth decades previously by the intellectuals from the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism. Obviously, their success is the reason democracy itself is in peril.

So as to that. Here I must confess my own sin. I was so interested in music at the time of Hans’ warning I stored the information away but did nothing to counter what I ought to have known was an attack on our very way of life through undermining Christian values. It wasn’t until I had moved to Norway and attended a language school that I encountered the reality of Hans’ warning. Norway indeed, all of Scandinavia, are perfect examples of cultures completely under the sway of Marxofascism to the point where if you challenged the commonly held narrative you were deemed to be a threat to the social consensus. That along with a spiritual renewal that came as a result of marrying a Godly woman caused me to become convicted that I had wandered far from what God would have me to do, namely to warn first the church and then society at large that Western Culture is built broadly on Christian ideals and if those foundational values are removed the entire enterprise of responsible democracy under the rule of law will come crashing down like a house of cards.

It took centuries for Christian ideals to influence our institutions more fully. Western values are based upon the belief that all are equal before God yet unique. That since we are created in God’s image that the individual is sacred and therefore must be treated with dignity. As an example, it took 1300 years of the advancement of Christian values to finally create a nation with a constitution which recognised that rights do not come from the state but are inherent and God given. It then took yet another century to send that nation into a bloody conflict to rid it of the injustice of slavery, and yet another century beyond that to create a largely colour-blind society. All these achievements are the direct outcome of applying Christian values to society and its governing institutions. I can say with some pride that in that regard Canada was slightly better off than the USA in that the first Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada, John Graves Simcoe sought to end slavery completely but was prevented from doing so by the legislature he led. However, he did manage however to pass the Act Against Slavery, which was an anti-slavery law passed on July 9, 1793, in the second legislative session of Upper Canada, the colonial division of British North America that would eventually become Ontario. It banned the importation of slaves and mandated that children born henceforth to female slaves would be freed upon reaching the age of 25. This act was the first of its kind in the British Empire. Simcoe declared before the legislative assembly that slavery was an offence to Christ. Because of his Godly efforts my own hometown of St. Catharines was for a time home to Harriet Tubman. As a result, it became the Northern Terminus of the Underground Railroad. Those escaping bondage referred to Niagara as “Beulah Land”, a reference which found its context in Isaiah 62:4 which speaks of the time when Israel will return from exile and once again return to the Lord. The verse applies to the land of Israel and, by extension, the people of Israel: “No longer will they call you Deserted, or name your land Desolate. But you will be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah; for the Lord will take delight in you, and your land will be married.”

So, need we wonder why the Marxofascists have taken over our sacred institutions which protect our faith, our family, and our property? When the people of God are no longer married to the land? When we have allowed godless idolatrous interlopers to pollute Beulah Land, the countries bequeathed by God to Christianity? The Church has refused to defend the faith against this idolatrous ideation even though the idolaters themselves broadcasted their intents to the world and taught them to our children in our universities at the taxpayers’ expense! It took over a millennium and a half since Christianity became the state religion of Rome to create limited constitutional democracy under the rule of law while it took the Marxofascists less than a century to corrupt the West. I predict that if those who are protesting at this very moment do not return to the faith of their fathers, the Marxofascist Revolution fomented by those who detest our Christian heritage will proceed unabated and unchallenged by a weak church rife with faux Christians who have lost the hope of their calling!

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