Thursday, January 25, 2024

Why the Church is to blame for the false doctrines of Justin Trudeau

Justin Trudeau is a unique blend of pathological narcissism, profound imbecility, and ideological possession. He is gripped by every idea pathogen Dr. Gad Saad wrote about in his magnum opus on the dangers to society posed by idea pathogens entitled, “The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense”. Whether it be social constructivism, cultural relativism, postmodernism, political correctness, identity politics, central planning, 15 minute cities, admiring Communist China and the CCP, cooperating with dictators, ignoring constitutional law, confiscating bank accounts, mistreating and mischaracterizing Canadian citizens, silencing legitimate protests while encouraging violent ones, the damage to the economy his neo-Marxist policies have caused, bureaucratic interference in the free market, printing money out of thin air. charging political dissidents with crimes they didn’t commit while denying them swift justice, controlling the freedom of the press by using the media as a government tool of misinformation, taking bribes, cooperating with multinational conglomerates without regard for the Rule of Law, his costly mishandling of COVID and the illiberal policies and failures around inoculations that do not work as advertised, and the scientific impossibility of “net-zero”, each unworkable idea and the resulting impossible policies are manifestations of a completely parasitized mind which has in turn has infected the entire Canadian government and its bureaucracy.
Many appear to remain utterly unaware of the threat this poses to the Rule of Law, Constitutionalism, democracy, our future as a free people, and most importantly, the legacy we are leaving for our children and grandchildren to inherit. Amid this attack on every Godly principle which ought to limit and constrain our government to ensure that we are being governed righteously the bulk of the Church has remained woefully silent in its condemnation of these unholy attacks on peace, order, and good government. Shame on the weak and venal Church leaders and their congregants who are more interested in conforming to this world than they are in condemning this horrendous perversion of justice and sound moral leadership.

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