Tuesday, January 2, 2024

May you receive God's richest blessings in 2024

Well, 2023 is a wrap. A year culminating in the foolhardy outcomes of several years during which a totalizing enterprise led by power mad fools have created solutions to non-existent problems designed to fit their illiberal solutions aimed at taking away our freedom and confiscating our property. The actuarial analysts are wondering why they are seeing excess deaths in age groups and demographics hitherto unseen. May this totalizing enterprise of Besserwissers who seek to create a world where 2 + 2 = "your truth" be exposed for what it is in 2024, global Marxism. May their attempt to orchestrate humanity like cogs in a giant machine which exists solely to fulfil their narcissistic delusions be their downfall. These 1%ers who congregate in Davos where they seek to dominate all of humanity into forced compliance to their mass hysterical delusions. Delusions which have been created by them just so that they can play God. May 2024 be the year when they discover that God will not be mocked. May this year see all their delusional ideation come crashing down at their feet. May this be the year in which they will be charged for crimes against humanity so that they can be tried in Nuremberg!

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